I recently experemented with a new desktop theme I downloaded. It was nice, but not what I really wanted. I went back to the old one. My problem is that the theme I used installed different wallpaper during start up and shut down. I can’t figure out where you can change this. Can anyone tell me where to go to change the boot and shutdown wallpaper? I use Windows Me. Thanks.
There are 3 files in your c:\windows folder titled:
These are your startup, “please wait” and “it is now safe to shutdown” files, respectively.
However, I’m not sure what the old .sys files have been changed to. Usually it’s “oldlogo.sys”, “oldlogow.sys” and “oldlogos.sys”, but that’s only a guess.
To create your own Startup and Shutdown images, they must be .bmp files. I’m pretty sure that MSPaint can convert .jpg and .gif files, but i’m not 100% sure.
Here is a helpful site for ya, in case I confused you…
Right click on the desktop, select properties, then background.
If you really want the old ones back, they are probably just renamed. Logow.sy_ or Logow.bak etc.
I believe Logo.sys is not a separate file in Windows 98, but if no file by that name exists, the original one will appear from buried in the system application itself.
My favorite toy in this area is** Logoswitch **
look here for a free trial copy **
http://www.raiks.de/lswitch/index.html **
More tools are here:**
http://winfiles.cnet.com/apps/98/startup-tools.html **