Bored on a saturday night..(please help)

Wondering if anyone has any idea’s of things to do when you have become hopeless and bored. Legal or Illegal…doesnt matter right now. I am looking for something to give me a rush of sort. Any idea’s of solving boredom?
Thanks in return.

I don’t know - maybe you could go be an idiot in #straightdope. Just a thought. :rolleyes:


Thanks…sweet ive tried…still bored.

go to sleep?
watch tv?
go to other sites?
make a fool of urself?
go out with friends?
just suggestions, mind. :slight_smile:

Sorry, sweetie, can’t help.

I’m drinking (lots of) wine and reading the message boards over and over and over.

If you come up with something, let me know will ya?

Also bored (and depressed),

Go to

[sub]Hee, hee, hee.[/sub]

Well I find myself at home on a saturday night too.
I’m broke, because I’ve done alot of partying through out the weeek. But, I decided to just have fun here. I’ve taken a some shots of Zambuika (i think thats how you spell it, taste like black liqourish) And I have four roaches so I guess I smoked four joints. At this point I have no idea. oh yeah wait I’ve had muscle relaxers too.
(2 4hundred milligrams pills)
I feel great!!!

wow I didn’t realize how trashed I was until I came in here and tried to type, I think I’m just going to go watch tv for awhile.

Nicklz, you’re trashed and you have a highly coherent post? How do you do it? Geez, some of the posters on another board I frequent are mostly sober and still don’t have coherent posts.

dlgirl, you are EVIL, EVIL, EVIL!!!


dlgirl–I’m still here, I haven’t hit the couch just yet.

The trick isin typing slowly with one finger, and concentrating on one thought at a time or you end up blabbering on, and on randomly.

I wish you guys felt as good as I do right now. hehehe
oh I almost forgot dlgril thats was not cool, do you have any idea, how hard that was to close all those windows in the condition I’m in.

::nicklz goes to fridge to find a beer.

**dlgirl,you are SO bad! I’m sitting in front of ** Drachillix’s computer, waiting for his shift to be over at midnight(sucks that he works til 12 or 1 every Friday/Sat night)and clicked on that link. Oh my god. He has DSL and I couldn’t click out fast enough to stop the madness!!! Took me forever and I was laughing so hard my flying fingers were fumbling! Thanks for the diversion!

Cross-posting can be fun, but I see you’ve tried that as well.

It’s Sambuca. And yummm.

Ha Ha Ha. Now that I’ve recovered from that little website, I have a question, 'cause I’m bored on a Sunday morning. How do I get to #straightdope?


Have you ever done a flaming “Sambuca”. (I could’ve sworn it was at least spelled with a Z, but I stumbled all the way back into the living room and yes you are indeed correct.)

What you do is get a shot glass…pour Sambuca almost to the rim…then lean shot to side while lighting the shot on fire…then place your hand beside the flame allowing your hand to get warm…then quickly close your hand down on top of the shot…this will put out the fire and cause the shot to suction itself to the bottom of your hand…Then raise the shot to your mouth (tricky part) while removing your hand take shot quickly…(the shots flavor will have changed and you get a vapor feel as the shot goes down).

You should try it sometime.

If you have mIRC (or some other IRC client), connect to an undernet server and /join #straightdope.

If you don’t have an IRC client, I’d suggest getting one.

Or you could go to

#straightdope is not in any way, shape, or form affiliated with The Reader, The Straight Dope, or this message board. And blah, blah, blah.

Thanks, silverfire. For the record (and I mean this in the nicest possible way) dlgirl, you are pure EVIL!! :smiley: If I have to click one more of those ad boxes off of my screen, I’m gonna scream!!!

Yeah, dlgirl, how…um…fun? I love having to reboot after Netscape crashes, especially with my hard drive as flaky as it has been lately.

A laff a minute, sure enough.

Where’ve you been, InternetLegend?