Boston (metrowest) area Dopers: next week is the opening reception of an art show I'm in

Because one of my paintings won the “People’s Choice” award in the last show I was in, I’ve got five paintings in the “Show of Champions” which opens next Thursday (January 12) and runs through February 16. The opening reception is Thursday night from 7-9pm, if anyone wants to come. A few of you were kind enough to come to the reception for my last show and it meant a lot to me. I know it’s a weeknight so it may be harder (last time I think it was on a Saturday afternoon), but if you feel like making a trip to Framingham to see some art and eat some free finger food, I’d love to see you there.

It’s at Amazing Things Art Center, 160 Hollis Street, Framingham, MA 01702.

Here is more info:

How far is it from the commuter rail?

Are we allowed to post this sort of thing outside of the Marketplace w/o Mod approval? Because I might be having a yard sale soon and I could use the extra traffic.

.2 miles from the Framingham station.

From Google Maps:

Walking directions:

  1. Head northeast on Hollis St toward Hollis Ct
    0.2 mi

I didn’t even think about that. It was about art and this is the forum for art related stuff… I posted a similar thread about the show in July and as I said, a few Dopers came. Mods, if you feel you need to move it, go ahead.

I might be able to make it. Casual dress okay?

And we need some way to recognize each other. Ooh, can we do that finger-on-the-side-of-the-nose thing like they did in The Sting?

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

It’s very casual, yes. Here is the most recent photo of me, taken just a few weeks ago. So I pretty much look like this: holiday card

We allow people to promote artistic events they’re participating in, usually performances but also exhibits. We do prefer that you get permission in advance, but since we would have given it, I’ll leave this open.

Next time, though, Opal, please ask permission before posting.


twickster, Cafe Society moderator

Noted. Didn’t even think about it, but I will next time.

Just one last post to remind anyone interested that this is tomorrow evening. 7-9pm.