Botticelli November 2021

Here we are!

I am W

That’s right, W.

Congrats, kitap!

1. Have you played everything from a macabre goth teen who befriends ghosts to a worried mom whose son disappeared into the Upside Down?
2. Is your gravestone shown in the opening of The Simpsons’ “Treehouse of Horror II”, covered in ice (a nod to an urban legend)?
3. Was a Masters of Horror episode about a secret cannibal cult that dresses like you and hides your real history?
It’s technically still October so I’m still doing these


  1. Did you release an album consisting of adaptations of sonnets?
  2. Did you encourage your daughter to audition for a dance show?
  3. Were you a civil rights pioneer who now has an auditorium named after you in Minnesota?

I am not Winona Ryder or Walt Disney. Take a DQ for #3.

Take 3 DQs.

Rufus Wainwright, Wilbur Turnblad (“Hairspray”), Roy Wilkins

  1. Male?
  2. Real?
  3. First name starts with W?

3 was George Washington, in “The Washingtonians”.

1 DQ reserved.

I am W:

  1. Fictional
  2. Female
  3. Last name starts with W.


  1. Are you the title character of a novel by Daphne du Maurier?
  2. Are you the villainess of The Three Musketeers?
  3. Did you compose the five-part Dada trilogy?

1. Did you play Thalia, love interest of Dobie Gillis?
2. Did you play Milton Armitage, rival of Dobie Gillis?
3. (allegedly) Told that you were drunk, did you reply “I may be drunk, but you are ugly–and in the morning, I will be sober”?

Congrats, kitap!

Last month’s thread: Botticelli - October 2021

On to W.


Did you affectionately call your famous and much taller husband “Old Man”?
Were you the first popularly-elected mayor of Washington, D.C.?
Did your Irish nanny supposedly introduce you, as a babe in arms, to the man after whom you were named, in a chance encounter on a New York City street?

Take a DQ, I am not Lady De Winter, take a DQ.

I am not Tuesday Weld take a DQ and I am not Winston Churchill.

Take 3 DQs.

1 was correct; 2 was Warren Beatty; 3 was correct.

DQ: main character?

I am W:

  1. Fictional
  2. Female
  3. Last name starts with W.
  4. Not a main character.

#1 was Rebecca de Winter.
Correct on Milady.
#3 is Mason Williams.


  1. Originally from prose fiction?
  2. Created by an American or Americans?


  1. Are your siblings Blynken and Nod?
  2. In Fables did you marry Bigby Wolf?
  3. Did you create Fables?

Previous IQs:

Did you affectionately call your famous and much taller husband “Old Man”? - Martha Washington
Were you the first popularly-elected mayor of Washington, D.C.? - Walter Washington
Did your Irish nanny supposedly introduce you, as a babe in arms, to the man after whom you were named, in a chance encounter on a New York City street? - Washington Irving

Washington x3!


American character?
Ever appeared in a movie?
Would be alive today, if real?


In the last scene of a movie, are you standing on the deck of a yacht with an ex-prostitute?
Did your husband divorce you after he was released from prison?
Did James Franco invite you up on stage but not give you the chance to speak?

1. Did you say that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily, which is usually paraphrased?
2. Are you most famous for being in a film with a giant ape?
3. Did you animate said ape?

I am W:

  1. Fictional
  2. Female
  3. Last name starts with W.
  4. Not a main character.
  5. Originally from prose fiction
  6. Created by an American
  7. Not an American, I would say
  8. Has appeared in movies
  9. I would guess yes, if real still alive today but it could equally be no.

I am not Wynken and take 2 DQs.

Take a DQ, I am not Winnie Mandela, take a DQ.

Take a DQ, I am not Fay Wray, take a DQ.

Correct on Wynken
#2 is Snow White.
#3 is Bill Willingham.


  1. Created before 1950?
  2. Antagonist?