Bowling Dopers. How Goes Your Season So Far?

I have never bowled on a league.

I haven’t bowled since I was about 19. ( The two or three drunken games over near 17 years before joining a league this fall do not count.)

I expected to be the worst player on the team.

I am.

Our top bowler’s average is 175. She frequently does 200+. She is freakin’ amazing.

Our middle three are 135-155 ish. Very consistant.

I bring in the rear at a respectable 105 average. ( with a 140 high - that was a good night. and a couple of humdingers in the 80’s. -working on my approach nights.)

All these women have been bowling from 3 years to 30 years. I would be the newbie.

We figured if we stayed in the middle of a fifteen team league, we’d be happy. After all, we are out there to have fun. (last year, they had two obnoxious, angry drunk women on their team and that was no fun.)

Well, I am proud to announce that we are currently #1 in our league.

I’m really quite pleased about the whole thing.