Boy. I'm getting. Tired. Of. These. Periods.

The “Worst. Show. Ever.” cliché. It was cute maybe the first couple of times.

I hope you understand what you are opening yourself up for.

I’ve never really understood this cliché. What is its source?

Dangit, DiosaBellissima, spoiling all our fun…

Ah well, we’ll just hope somebody comes along and conveniently forgets to read your post.

It’s from The Simpsons - the Comic Book Guy character frequently comments on things as “Worst. ______. Ever.”

They have a pill for that now.

Heck, it even says so in his wiki entry.

Worst. Doper. Ever. > insert appropiate smiley to lessen the pain of my snark <

Ah, I see now. Thank you.

I don’t know why the periods are necessary. “Worst Punctuation Ever!” is recognizable and speaks for itself.

Well but if you’re speaking it out loud, you say “Worst Punctuation Ever!” differently than you say “Worst. Punctuation. Ever!” At least I do. Try it in the comfort of your own home.

I would- except that I’m familiar enough with The Simpsons that I understand you’re supposed to say “Worst [Anything] Ever!” in that Comic Book Guy way. I think Simpsons fans would all recognize that, and it doesn’t make it any clearer for people who don’t watch the show.

It shouldn’t need to. It’s the periods that the OP is complaining about, and that writing style long predates CBG.

Heck, I can remember my 5th grade English teacher showing us how this was an legitimate writing tool, and how “I don’t care” was nowhere near as effective as “I. Don’t. Care.”

I thought it went back further than Comic Book Guy, to Valley-Girlspeak:

“Oh. My. God.”

to convey in print the deliberatly drawn-out emphasis on each word as spoken.

Well, it looks like she has opened herself up to a total history and critique of a catchphrase. :smiley:

BTW, I seem to remember hearing that the Comic Book Guy only started doing this after subject lines like ‘Two Bad Neighbors: WORST EPISODE EVER’ had become a running joke on the newsgroup.

Who is “she”?

Well, you are having period problems… wouldn’t it be a natural mistake?

Tiredest. Catchphrase. EVAR.

What’s? Your? Point?