Breakfast: spin-off from "Three men froze to death" thread

If you can’t handle Grape-Nuts.

Life was one of the few cereals i really disliked as a kid. I liked Grapenuts. I liked Capt Crunch. I liked Shredded Wheat and Lucky Charms. But i didn’t like Life.

Maybe I’m anti-mikey.

It was a sweet cereal, but it turned to mush in a few minutes. Back when I was a little kid, I was notorious for not eating quickly, so I always had mush. Not appealing, even to me.

Life is one of a few childhood cereals I still eat. I actually like the progression of crispy to mushy. I was never a fan of cereals that stayed crispy in milk. The only other childhood cereal I still really like is Cinnamon Toast Crunch. My kids love Lucky Charms; I can’t stand the stuff. Those “marshmallows” are just awful. But, no, typically as an adult it’s oats or bran cereal for me.

And now, off to make myself a nice breakfast of corn chex and berries in milk.

You tried Weetabix? Similar progression from crisp to mush, but Weetabix has a novel shape (a big tablet) and malty taste I like better than Life cereal.

I LOVELOVELOVE Wheetabix! I’m not entirely sure I’ve had any since I lived in the UK for a spell in '96, but thanks for reminding me. I should see if the British section of a couple grocery stores have it. I would have thought I’d snatch it up had I seen it, but I’m usually looking for Branston Pickle or Marmite and my hyperfocus may have overlooked it.

I use soft hygienic Weetabix to dry my tears.

Why would it turn to mush? It’s not like you’re pouring a glass of milk into your cereal bowl! That would be ridiculous…‘’

(seriously: I eat my cereal dry–glass of milk on the side, thank you very much)

Lucky Charms cereal is my gf’s guilty pleasure. She bought a box as a Valentines gift for herself.

Her other weird food is instant mashed potatoes made in a coffee mug with milk, to a milkshake consistency when I bring her home a bit drunk. Weird!!

When Iwas a kid my dad used to make a “cakeshake” He put a slice of cake in a glass, poured in some milk, and mashed it all up. We sister would go “Eewww!” Now that I’m old, and have some odd tastes myseif, I’d tell Dad to go ahead!

BTW kayaker, I have made up small portions of somewhat runnier masked potato flakes, but I add melted butter.

Wow, that sounds like a childhood summer favorite of mine: crackers and milk and blueberries. The crakcers were those bland round milk crackers. As a kid I’d sprinkle sugar on the mushy mess, but it really doesn’t need it.

Hm, sounds like the kind of thing a modern ice cream place (DQ, Freddy’s, Culvers, etc.) would sell, if you added some inexpensive soft-serve to it and blended it up. “Birthday Cake Shake” or similar. Only $6!

I almost exclusively eat cake in a bowl with milk; might have to try it in a glass!

Hey, what’d I ever do to you?

talking about mush …

… any news on the topic that brought us all here?

Hopefully not any new dead bodies discovered…

Just like Allison Williams in Get Out!

I’ve mixed up chocolate cake, vanilla ice cream and an Imperial Stout. Delicious.

Corn bread crumbled and buttermilk in a glass is a good breakfast