Breath of the Wild 2 - 2022 [Now titled "Tears of the Kingdom"]

It’s the most anticipated game of all time for me. I have Breath of the Wild as not only the greatest game of all time, but a rather large gap between it and whatever the next contenders would be.

I can not wait. I do not own a Switch and it looks like they did NOT announce a new one today. Is it safe to get one and hope that the new BotW will run on it? I think they clearly indicated Switch as its console.

Gameplay trailer for the new game

They definitely indicated that it would be coming out on Switch. They didn’t give a name for it, though. If it’s actually called Breath of the Wild 2, I’d be very surprised. They haven’t had a 2 in a title since Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.

I just bought a Switch today, confident that it will be out on it even if a “Switch Pro” gets announced before then.

Just curious how could BotW possibly be your best game of all time when you didn’t have a Switch until today?

That’s a fair bet. Nintendo doesn’t tend to create titles that are exclusive to the “Pro” version of their consoles. The very few that are are announced after the the Pro console has been out a while.

What did you think of the Skyward Sword looking parts? That was what got everyone I know excited. Link falling through the air looked like Skyward Sword, making people think BotW2 might merge in some of the ideas from that game. Some also suspect it may involve time travel. (Skyward Sword is the first in the timeline, while BotW is at the end.)

I played it on my Wii U.

Oh yeah! I did too actually. I totally forgot about that :stuck_out_tongue:

I just hope the new game doesn’t incorporate any save data. I’m not sure I want to re-buy it for Switch and replay it again. I’ve played it three times through. Love it, but not ready to spend a bunch more money and buy it again. I guess I could sell my Wii U copy.

I doubt it will, and even if it does, it’ll probably just be a little bonus like an extra outfit or something for beating BotW first.

I figure. I mean I love BotW and could probably get a copy at my library, but I don’t want to shell it out. I don’t know if I have 100 hour game in me before 2022 at this point.

For as much as I enjoyed BOTW I also felt a bit short changed at the lack of any dungeons. For a land as huge and detailed as presented it was just begging to have some grand hidden dungeons in places. A cavernous inside of a volcano, a temple at the bottom of a lake, a tomb set into a cliffside behind a waterfall, etc.
I was hoping BOTW2 would be more exploring of what lies beneath the surface than what floats above it.

I’d loved the “mini-dungeon” elements of the shrines and the rather larger dungeon elements of the divine beasts, that was plenty for me and I hope it retains the same balance second time out.

As for “pro” exclusivity. Not a chance. You’ll have the most eagerly anticipated game of the last five years and a user base of nearly 100 million, there is no way they’ll lock the new release to a new piece of hardware.

And I think there will definitely be a new “pro” switch with upscaled graphics and other fripperies but dollars to doughnuts it’ll be backward compatiable with all current Switch software.

I’d like a few more things I can toss bombs at. I can’t wait for this game to come out.

Same here. The shrines were fun and were a big part of why my 8 year old liked to play with me. She solved several that I couldn’t figure out myself. If they had been longer or multi-tiered it wouldn’t have been as easy to sit down for 10-15min, do a shrine together, cruise around the land for a half hour and turn it off for the night.


It comes out May 12, 2023! It’s called Tears of the Kingdom. I can NOT emphasize how much I’m looking forward to this.

Absolutely pumped for this one, That’s my summer sorted out!

The rest of the family are really looking forward to it as well but the biggest squeals of delight were reserved for Pikmin 4. My daughter and wife particularly had lost all hope. They’d been waiting 9 years and the next year or so till it’s release will seem just as long I reckon.

That’s another 8 months, dangnabbit! At least we know they didn’t rush it!

I don’t preorder games and I’ve never taken time off from work just to play a game. I think those streaks are about to break.

I’ve been telling my kids that I will take an entire day off work for this game. They were stunned that I would ever do such a thing. I’m planning on it for sure.

I have pre-ordered the following in my life:

Mass Effect Legendary

Psychonauts 2

Breath of the Wild 2

Same. I am decidedly not a video game person. The last video game I got excited about was Tomb Raider III .

Until this came along.

I bought a used Switch during lockdowns in 2020 for the same reason everyone else did. It came with a copy of BOTW. I ignored it for several months while playing Animal Crossing until that got old so gave BOTW a shot. I hadn’t played a Zelda game since the SNES.

And holy crap It is by far the best game I’ve ever played, better than TRIII, which is still a damn good game even after all these years. But I’ve been playing BOTW for 18 months, usually at least once a week, and have yet to find all the Korok seeds and shrines. I’ve beaten it twice and no matter how many times I pick it up I’m finding something new to do. I absolutely love it.

I can’t wait for the sequel.