Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Well, no one has started a thread, so I will.

I got it tonight and it’s quite a fun game. I have never played any of the previous Zelda’s, except for a little bit of “Link to the past” and “Ocarina of Time”.

My main problem with Ocarina was that the control was terrible. This seems to be fixed with Wind Waker, as the camera is much more stable and you can fully control it with C-stick.

It is amazing graphically, perhaps one of the best games I’ve seen. The thing about this game so far(I’m about an hour in) is that it is just plain fun to run around and discover things. It’s a blast.

Your opinion?

I LOVE IT! I love Nintendo. Kudos Nintendo.

It’s already out?!! Damn. I thought it came out on Wednesday.

Most stores get it Wednesday, but it shipped today. Just depends on the retailer.

I’m amazed how well the cell-shading look works. It adds so much to the game, I actually prefer it to any realistic type of graphics(for this kind of game).

Cartoons can be played? It is amazing. Even the animated splashes when you jump into the water are cool. It’s just plain awesome.

I’ve got it on pre-order but can’t pick it up till next Friday (broke till then). Now all I need is a GameCube and I’ll be rocking.

I preordered it, got the free bonus disks & sold them ($27 with shipping) on ebay. Now im waiting to get the game. The receipt said it would be in on the 25th, thats today tues. I better call & check.

Ebgames (aka electronic boutique) is supposed to have a special where you can bring in three old games & get this game. Maybe you can try buying three used games in their store (some are under ten bucks) & trade for WW.

The place I preordered(Gamespot/stop, I can’t remember which) said that since this game broke the preorder record, they will not hold it for longer than today.

It out preordered Vice City even. Around 725,000 people in the U.S. preordered the game. I think Nintendo has a hit.

Just a quick post here. When I first saw the thread title I thought it said “Wind Wanker.”

Haha, I like that better than Wind Waker.

That would also explain Mahaloth’s quote in the OP: “The thing about this game so far is that it is just plain fun to run around and discover things. It’s a blast.” I was a little younger when I “discovered” my wanker, but there you have it.

Mmmm, sounds like you got yourself a copy of the Master Quest/OoT disk for the GC! I agree, the controls were a pain on the Cube’s controller. The origional N64 versions controls were spot on and fantastic though. It was actually hailed as having some of the best controls of any game before its time. It was the game that spawned the “Z-targeting” (Lock on attacks) fad that is in pretty much any action/adventure/RPG out today.

But holy crap, Wind Waker is just beautiful. I cant believe I ever doubted Nintendo.

I still want my realistic Zelda game soon though…:frowning:
But this’ll do mighty fine in the mean time! :smiley:

Agreed. Ocarina on Gamecube is just plain crappy. With the only C-up button beingg the C-analog stick, it makes it a pain. Also, I can never get the hang of using the Ocarina with the c-analog pad, especially with the A-button now being ABOVE the friggin’ thing! Still, it’s fun to play what’s basically a new Zelda game.

I played it for some hours last night, and the thing that impressed me the most was the environmental interaction. I found the rope bridges particularly interesting–not only can you cut the ropes, you can set them on fire with a deku stick. The bridge sways more and more as ropes are burned/cut.

I really like the new “sidle” movement, too. At last, a game where I’m not constantly muttering things like, “$#!*, I could walk across there! Why can’t this legendary hero do it?!”

I’m not too fond of the new character-style (I want a more realistic look, too), but it’s so well animated that it doesn’t bother me too much.

At electronic boutique, you can trade in 3 ps2/xbox games (not the same ones or ones on their special exclusion list, which they didn’t have) & get this game free. At circuit city you can get the Prima Guide for $4.99 (regular price: $14.99). Or you can ask EB to price match CC, like I did.

So far the graphics are pretty N64-ish. e.g. The ocean is a pure blue field, no water details, certainly they could have done better? I better play some more so I can see if they put in the awesome power of the GC…

I disagree with you entirely handy. I think the graphics are astonishing. The cel shading gives the initial impression of simple graphics, but once you get into the game you start changing your mind.

Link’s shadow actually looks like him (never saw that on the 64, where shadows were always just dark blobs), fire causes wavy distortions in the air above it just like it would in real life, there is no pop up or fog, instead if you’re outdoors you can see the whole level, there is no slow down, and I could go on.

Personally I would’ve preferred more realistic looking graphics over cel shading, but think they have done an outstanding job with the graphics they choose. This game and its graphics get two thumbs up from me.

For the life of me, I can’t figure out the counter manouver.

How does it work? Do I have to be L-targeting and holding A in?

I thought it was just supposed to flash green every time I was attacked and if I was lucky, I’d hit it and counter.

Wait, and when an enemy attacks (while you’re locked on), the green A button symbol will flash over Link, press then then.

To make the parry attack work:

  1. Have your sword out. (Since I use the hook a lot, I need the reminder.)
  2. Lock onto the enemy, but do not raise your shield. If you’re defending, you won’t get the parry opportunity.
  3. When the A-indicator and/or the sword flashes, press A.

Master this, because it’s the best way to beat those miserable lava-centipede things (unless you have a water jar on hand–throwing water on them makes them curl up in a little ball that you can beat up easily).

New cool thing: You can steal things from enemies with the grappling hook. It even works on the puddle form of the chu-chus, and forces them into upright form besides.

I’m going to make a confession.

I am finding this game, despite what everyone on all the other sites says, to be hard.

I have never played a Zelda game before and I think that contributes to my struggle. I died a couple times in the first boss fight. I’m hoping I can get more used to this game so it moves along a bit faster. I’m only entering the second dungeon and have had it since Monday.