Brit Dope Winter 2003

As I’m still grieving at having had to miss the most recent LonDope, I wonder if there’s any chance of arranging another Lon- or BritDope before the end of the year? London or Anguaville (Birmingham) or somewhere else? Dates?

If interested, chime in!

I can do weekends with notice. Weekdays are currently right out of the window for me. I’m still annoyed that I’m going to miss next week’s do as I’ll be staying in Reading.

Reading, eh? Goodness me. Only losers are in Reading.

And of course I’m up for a Winter Londope.

sounds good to me boss

I quite like Reading. Unfortunately where I am is better termed as “Junction 11, M4”.

what about nearer christmas? i can do London obviously, i cant do birmingham. but thats not particularly important.

I’m up for a Londope.

You saying that Birmingham is not particularly important ?

Okay, a smattering of interest thus far. Good!

Dates that can not be used (because I’ve other stuff booked): weekend of Nov 16th or Dec 6th.

How about Sat 29th Novenber?

I think that’s fine with me.

Yep, fine with me.

no matey, im saying its not particularly important that i cant go to birmingham for a dopefest. im perfectly sure it will go on no problems without me there, although i would like to be.
youre from castleford? im from Morley! big up the west yorkshire!

i could do 29th nov. although i dont generally plan ahead more than a week.


I’m up for it!

I’m up for it! Anguaville obviously suits me better, as being a poor grad student, finding somewhere to stay in London could prove prohibitively expensive…

count me in.

Shameless bump to catch late Friday afternoon UK office-based browsers.

I respect the Board policies on thread bumping but I think sparing use is OK when it serves some purpose. Kiss my halo.

Are non-Brit Dopers invited? I’m trying to plan a vacation which MUST be taken before the end of the year. Choice #1 involves crashing with a friend in Taipei, but #2 is quite possibly crashing with my college roomie in Middle of Nowhere, Kent. Which would, of course, involve at least a couple of days in London by myself…must finish checking out the V. and A.!

[hijack] P.S. Anyone know a place in the U.K. which ships Latin cooking ingredients by mail, preferably with online ordering? Said roomie is Salvadoran and living in the Land of Bland Food; there are sheep grazing 100 meters from her house. I left her with enough dried chili peppers to last a while on my previous visit (18 months ago now!! her English husband is convinced I’m trying to kill him), but she is especially missing plantains and various tropical fruits, etc.

no, but it doesn’t stop the buggers turning up.


[sub]i would say kferr too but he drinks ale and holds dual nationality[/sub]

Of course you’d be welcome :smiley:

But would I have to drink ale? Because if so, forget it!

Eva, you can drink guinness with me :slight_smile: