I think this one is pretty self-explanatory. I like them both, honest i do, but it’s just that Christina has SO much more singing talent than Britney. My sister disagrees. She says that I should post my opinion on here so that people can change my mind.
Lol Well that red thing Brittney was wearing in that Oops I did it again video… mmmmm mmm… Oh come you two dont find yourself humming Brittney songs to yourself?
oops I did it again I played with your heart i made you believeeeeeeee do de dum
This is really getting retarded… I feel like I’m in Teen magazine polling :rolleyes:
Well considering your last post, Tory, in the mpsims, I would think Brittney would need to be your role model instead of slutty Christina. Brinttney has her mommy or her chaperone take her everywhere to save her precious viginity. Christina on the other hand has a more vamp like look.
I think Brinttney is prettier but Christina has the better voice.
Considering that Britney has caused me to hear a 7-year-old girl screech over and over again “Hit me baby, one more time.” and that I’ve never heard anything by Christina, I’d have to vote for Christina if I was forced into an opinion.
[hijack] I touched a Britney Spear CD yesterday! Am I doomed? [/hijack]
Oh, and don’t worry…touching a Britney CD won’t hurt you as long as it was still in the jewel case. You didn’t touch the actual CD, did you? You did? Oh, no…
Oh, Britney, hands down. Christina does that affected fluttery-hand thing when she’s doing her affected crappy R&B vocal guitar solo thing, which always makes me reach for the carbine. Then I remember I don’t have a carbine. Then Carson Daly comes on. I like Carson. He’s a funny guy. Then Britney comes on. So I stare at her for a while. My brain, of course, seceded from the union about three days ago in disgust. Screw it, it wants to go drink red wine and read Joyce it can be my guest. I got better things to do. Then the Backstreet Boys come on…
If that gun was a .44 magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and could blow a teeny-bopper’s head clean off, I would ask you one question: can I line the two of them up right behind each other?
I am personally of the opinion that CA and BS are the same person. Have you ever seen them together? Nope, they either appear with (a) N’Sync, or (b) Backstreet Boys (who are also both the same band, IMO). It’s all part of new costcutting measures at their record labels.
Hand grenades–solves the whole lack of ammo thing right there. Just put em both in a small room, toss in a grenade, close the door, and see how long it takes before one gets curious and pulls the pin.
Heh, my cousin was telling me last week that she used to go to dance school with Christina A. She also mentioned 2 other things. 1) Christina is/was stuck up and nobody really liked her. 2) She (my cousin) beat her in finals dance and singing competition. I thought that was funny!
BTW, I don’t really care for Christina or Britney. They’re flying high right now, but it wont last. I see an E! True Hollywood story down the road for at least one of them.
I wouldn’t cross the street to listen to either of them, but . . .
Christina Aguilera sang the role of “Mulan” in the Disney movie, and I heard her belt out the national anthem at a baseball game once, so I must admit – grudgingly –
That girl can sing. She has an awesome set of pipes. Which, of course, she wastes in bubble-gum dreck and/or Celine Dion histrionics. I do not like her music, but she’s got a heck of a voice.
Britney, on the other hand, is a blonde with a belly button and not much else. And what’s up with that squeaky, voice-breaky thing she does on her latest song? It bugs the crap out of me. Everytime I hear either one of them I have to go play some Janis Joplin as a sort of antidote.