Bryan Singer Directed King Kong?!

Or at least some of it. I just watched the Bryan Singer’s Video Blog on the Superman Returns site here (It’s the one called “The Call”)

In it, Bryan Singer hard at work on Superman returns, takes a call from nearby (Australia to New Zealand) Peter Jackson, who asks him to take over if he falls asleep on set. I guess he was suffering from fatigue.

This strikes me as wierd, as you can tell from Naomi Watts and Bryan Singer who talk about as carefully as they can about how to approach it. Does this happen in Hollywood? What does the DGA say about this? They never mention Singer’s name in King Kong, but he did work on it. Am I alone here?

In the Kong production diaries that ran on, they actually showed this. Not sure if it was Singer at that time, but someone did have to fly in and actually directed a scene. They showed PJ asleep while this was going on.

And yes, it does seem weird, the guy that flew in had no clue what was going on in the scene (obviously, how could he).

It was a joke, of course. They made it look like that was happening, but it was just a friendly visit by a neighbouring director. That certainly happens a lot (later on in the Kong-side version Frank Darabont appears too, and in another Danny DeVito is visiting). They just added in a fun side.

For the new movie by the creators of Shaun Of The Dead, called Hot Fuzz, they made their own video blog parodying that very thing, with director Edgar Wright saying “I’m so exhausted, I’ll call up Peter Jackson and ask him to direct for me” and Peter is right there behind him, but more interested in brass rubbings from the church then doing any directing.

GuanoLad , any chance you can direct me towards which videos include those visits from kongisking?

PJ appears on Video blog #8
The KIKN production diaries seem to be gone (except the last one)
But there is a blue tights PD that features “the call”


Here are the production diaries, is that where they are? I just don’t want to watch each one looking for the one with Bryan Singer, Frank Darabont or Danny DeVito.

Only the post production diaries are there. The pre production diaries have been removed (since Universal wants you to buy the DVD).
Singer appears on Day 131 in the KK video diaries (near the end of shooting)


Frank Darabont appears on the same video (day 131)
Davvy Devito Appears in “28 weeks to go”, which is available on the site mentioned by FlightlessBird


Well I watched the DeVito one, and I’ll have to find a way to watch the Day 131 video somehow. Thanks for the info N9IWP .