Buffy 01/07/03 Showtime [spoilers]

There was some debate last time I started a Buffy thread about putting spoilers in a spoilersbox. But since at least one Doper wanted it that way, until the episode airs in the US, I’m gonna extend that courtesy.

[spoiler] Things are getting more and more clear, of course. To give away the reason for the title of this weeks episode, would be too much spoilage, but it’ll become clear soon enough for those watching.

So, another action packed episode in the Buffyverse. The Buffster comes up against Übervamp one more time, and then even one more time. Since this is the champion of TFE and the Bringers aren’t all that tough for a slayer, Morphy is relying very much on the creature.
So what will happen. Let’s just say that Buffy gets kicked around pretty badly, yet again.

Giles is trying to find out things about TFE and goes to see an Oracle, as seen in the trailer. Of course, as with all Oracles, it’s ambiguous, to say the least. But to me, it points to this season being the very final one. It points toward a sacrifice by Buffy (I’m not spoiled here, it’s just my impression from this episode).

Morphy is up to its old tricks, mindfucking certain characters.

No new word on Giles’ status. No real hint in the episode, but it isn’t made as obvious that he’s not touching anything or anyone. I thought it was misdirection, but my guess is we have to wait to weeks for the explanation, since next week is pre-empted for some reason.

Andrew get’s the best comedy line in the episode: “I’m bored. As in episode one bored.”

The SIT who’s flirting with Willow - Kennedy - is shaping up to be a very interesting person.

Comedy relief from Anya, yet again.

A good episode, but more action, than plot driven.

Buffy-score 6/10

I teared up when she rescued Spike. Maybe I’m delusional, but I think they’re in love…

The maybe-slayers are becoming far too annoying. The only one with the remotest bit of personality is the new Willow love-interest. The rest are just sniveling caricatures with accents and the wardrobe of your neighborhood Le Chateau


[spoiler]About that scene in the kitchen, since when could they do that? Buffy’s voice is all weird too. But maybe it’s my imagination.

i totally agree with the above posters re:the end and the whiny slayers. I was almost screaming at the tv at the black one (sorry, it’s not PC, but i don’t remember her name).[/spoiler]

I don’t really have much to add. :-/

it was okay, 6/10. Don’t miss the ending though!

Nothing spoilery to add, just wanted to say

Yea! Buffy’s back on!!


I was almost hoping the little Slayerettes would get wiped out. I don’t see how they’re going to be anything but a hindrance. Whiny little gits. I’m so glad Spike’s out of the First’s hands, though. These little moments between Spike and Buffy, with no words . . . please tell me this show’s going to get an Emmy nod one of these days? Please?

[spoiler]I don’t care for the telepathy bit either - smacks a bit too much of “pulling it out of my ass” syndrome.

I think that the Giles situation, while not resolved, has some hints in this episode which way it will go. We have it on tape and will re-watch tomorrow, but I swear that Giles causes the floor to squeak as he walks on it (in Buffy’s house, with the Slayerettes). [/spoiler]

Speaking of the Slayerettes, I likened them to the first season Facts of Life girls. I told the missus that they need to whittle the group down to their FoL analogues: a slayerette Blair, a slayerette Tootie, etc. Dawn, obviously, would be Jo. Perhaps Nancy Mckean (or Mrs. Garrett?) as a watcher… ?

The telepathy was established in the beginning of Season 3 when the Scoobies were fighting without Buffy (while she was away being Anne).

Of course, that was 3 long seasons ago without a telepathic peep!

Willow also used telepathy on Spike in The Gift, and directed everybody around the cemetary in Bargaining I. There was, however, no telepathy in Anne. (S3).

I was really, really, really hoping the Ubervamp would take out at least one of those little brats.Maybe not that Buffy has cut off his head, they’ll all keep their stupid mouths shut.

In other news, I do believe now that after years of suffering all of the S/B shippers will finally get sometihng happy and wonderful. Oh, it probably won’t happen for weeks, maybe not even until May, and they’ll probably end in a horrible, tragic, rip-out-my-heart and stomp on it kinda way, but I think we’re going to get mutal “I love yous”. That’s ok, I can be patient, and all I need is “I love you Spike” “I love you Buffy”. That’s it. 10 seconds of dialogue will make me happy. And oh, I have hope now.

The little slayers suck: cept for Kennedy, sorta. This show already has some strong leads, and Dawn is more than enough in the whiny, derivative delivery department.

OTOH, Morphy!Eve was working the Mojo. They’re the age, more or less, Buffy was six years ago. And don’t you guys remember what a brat she could be. And they have been brought together because a lot of other girls have been killed. The first thing they find out is that the Uberslayer got her ass kicked by the Ubervamp. I can understand why the writers have done this.
But, OMFG, they’re annoying.

So. Buffy came back wrong.
What does this lead to?

Buffy going back, of course.

Not bad, overall.

A few nice twists, and a good finish.

They finally got away from poor tortured Spike, thank god, that plot line was really tired.

Nice display of teamwork by Xander, Willow and Buffy- scooby power-- activate!

Looks like the eyeball’s information is a set-up to bring back Faith, although it rings quite false in many ways. In any event, the explanation was a bit of an eye roller.

Score 6.75 out of 10 (mainly for the ending, and the nice twist)

No preview- does that mean repeat next week?

Also wasn’t Giles and morphy girl’s little southern slayer-ette in the room at the same time? And Giles seems to be doing a lot of good and hard work keeping things together (although minor hints in the other direction as well-- but I think Joss is screwing with people)- looks like he is JPG (Just Plain Giles), IMHO.

Well, maybe.
But then again. If we all come to that conclusion, then it’s wrong. I don’t think Joss will kill her. If there is no more series, there might still be a chance for movie deals. Seeing that Friends is going to be a movie, why not?

Does anyone know the status of next season? I had heard that SMG hadn’t signed a contract, but the series might not end even if she doesn’t come back.

Any up-to-date news?

Simulpost. My previous post was a response to JohnT.

Andno new Buffy next week elf. It’s pre-empted by “UPN’s Funky Flubs” - whatever that is…

{please don’t hit me}

I read a fanfic once which involved the premise that the (for lack of a better term) “Slayer energy” was all screwed up by being separated. The author blamed this for Faith going bad and the increasing self-centeredness of Buffy on the show (round about season 4, this was); there was only supposed to ever be one Slayer, and having two of them basically deprived both of the Slayers from “Being All They Could Be.” The fic ended with

Willow using her mojo to join the Slayer energy back together into Faith, giving Buffy the normal life she always wanted and allowing Faith a chance at redemption (the fic was set pre-Faith going on a killing spree and trying to take out Angel).

Did they say anything specific, other than Anya’s tirade about it being their fault, that Buffy’s “The Gift” death and ressurection was the precursor to this, or- as Elf says- is this a setup to bring Faith back and heal the rift from the very beginning? (get it- back to the beginning)
Eve’s accent sucked, BTW. I had a hella time trying to figure out where she was supposed to be from. And the end— OOF.

Eve’s accent made me cringe, too, bobkitty. And it’s not as though she was a particularly good actress. Why couldn’t ME find a pretty girl with a real Southern accent to play her? Doesn’t seem like they would be too rare.

bobkitty That seems to be a very good way of ending it. However, since Eliza Dushku seems to be doing well in movies, there won’t be a “Faith - The Vampire Slayer.” Dawn is out, so where does that leave us, in case UPN or other network coughs up beaucoup bucks and want another season from ME?
I think Willow and Spike could carry a show, but none of these two is getting enough screen time this year. I want more Willow.

And Clem.

I don’t like where this is going. On the one hand, they could kill her…again.

[Willow]uh, yeah, been there, done that, got a crappy t-shirt.[/Willow]

On the other hand, they could take the power from her and make her normal. But who’s to say she’d enjoy being normal at this point? Can the show take a Buffy who’s about as effective as Zander, and constantly whines about it? Who’s the next Slayer? Dawn? If that’s the case, then it seems the writers would go for the whiny angle again. I think that would be out of character for a Dawn who was willing to sacrifice herself to close the dimensional gates.
The only clean way I can see out of this is to kill Faith and somehow make Buffy whole again. And even that way doesn’t seem so clean.
And if Buffy wakes up in a mental ward at the end, I’m going to hunt Joss down and beat the seven years of my life he took right out of him.