There was some debate last time I started a Buffy thread about putting spoilers in a spoilersbox. But since at least one Doper wanted it that way, until the episode airs in the US, I’m gonna extend that courtesy.
[spoiler] Things are getting more and more clear, of course. To give away the reason for the title of this weeks episode, would be too much spoilage, but it’ll become clear soon enough for those watching.
So, another action packed episode in the Buffyverse. The Buffster comes up against Übervamp one more time, and then even one more time. Since this is the champion of TFE and the Bringers aren’t all that tough for a slayer, Morphy is relying very much on the creature.
So what will happen. Let’s just say that Buffy gets kicked around pretty badly, yet again.
Giles is trying to find out things about TFE and goes to see an Oracle, as seen in the trailer. Of course, as with all Oracles, it’s ambiguous, to say the least. But to me, it points to this season being the very final one. It points toward a sacrifice by Buffy (I’m not spoiled here, it’s just my impression from this episode).
Morphy is up to its old tricks, mindfucking certain characters.
No new word on Giles’ status. No real hint in the episode, but it isn’t made as obvious that he’s not touching anything or anyone. I thought it was misdirection, but my guess is we have to wait to weeks for the explanation, since next week is pre-empted for some reason.
Andrew get’s the best comedy line in the episode: “I’m bored. As in episode one bored.”
The SIT who’s flirting with Willow - Kennedy - is shaping up to be a very interesting person.
Comedy relief from Anya, yet again.
A good episode, but more action, than plot driven.
Buffy-score 6/10