Build a Haiku

Y’all know how this thing works. Each person adds a line and the last person starts off the new one. Remember it’s 5 syllables/7 syllables/5 syllables

Stars shining brightly

Stars shining brightly
In the smoggy L.A. sky

Stars shining brightly
In the smoggy L.A. sky
Dimly remembered.

The Chanticleer sings,

The Chanticleer sings,
“Cock-a-doodle-doo, baby.”

The Chanticleer sings,
“Cock-a-doodle-doo, baby.”
Ol’ Bantam Blue Eyes.

Valance electrons

Valance electrons
Circling the nucleus

Valance electrons
Circling the nucleus
Bond with their neighbors

A man, seated, thinks

A man, seated, thinks
“Should I go to work today?”

A man, seated, thinks
“Should I go to work today?”
"No,"cracking a beer.


Since this has sat for a while, How about:

The beer was ice cold,

The beer was ice cold,
The guns were fully loaded

The beer was ice cold,
The guns were fully loaded
Now I wait for ducks.

The hatmakers erred.

The hatmakers erred.
Her head was too small for it,

The hatmakers erred.
Her head was too small for it,
Though she had big ears.

Freezing rain did fall

Freezing rain did fall
For the first time ever in

Freezing rain did fall
For the first time ever in
Key West, Florida.

Ravens flew over

Ravens flew over
Key West, Florida, and said,

Ravens flew over
Key West, Florida, and said,
M D - Nevermore!

When will Spring be here?

When will Spring be here?
When the drifts turn to water,

When will Spring be here?
When the drifts turn to water
And birds start singing

Why O’ Why am I