Burn Notice 1 December

Why is Anson wearing a girl’s shirt?

I think because no one cares anymore -

We are just about officially burned out on burn notice - and I hope they get it back on track soon.

Is it just me, or does Anson look like Ned Flanders?


You know, I’ve never seen them both together…

I know that I’m getting really tired of Anson Flanders. While it is a good idea to have someone who is a worthy challenge for Michael, the “smug super chess master, always 9 steps ahead of our hero” is really getting old. Let Michael start to make progress already. Right now it seem like it is “a half step forward, and five steps back.”

I think it’s going to end when Michael gets tired of him and takes drastic action, consequences be damned.

“Now, about your father, Michael…”


Roll credits.

McGyver would have shot him by now.

I think Fiona is going to get killed, and then Michael will kill Anson in cold blood.

BTW, when he was going on about Michael’s father, I thought it was going to be that Anson was Michael’s father, but had undergone extensive plastic surgery. And when did Michael’s father die anyhow? Because Anson appears to have had a ridiculously long and complex plan to set up Michael.

Mango-Anson// Oh, What the frick?!! This is a mens cut!!// M-A


No way. Fiona, for all her issues (bag of antlers, anyone?) is still the only pre-menopausal woman on the show. I’m not going to watch an hour long sausage fest. Fiona lives.