Burn Notice is back!

9pm tonight on USA, and right now they’re showing a Burn Notice marathon!

Awesome show. Having Bruce Campbell as Sam is always a comedy treat.

I still think Fee looks like a piece of beef jerky.

“Bullet proof glass is one thing you should never skimp on.” Hee hee hee. I just want to lie on the floor and listen to Michael talk in an Irish accent. Rowr.

Great show. Got to love that the characters are actually smarter than me, which is far from the case in most tv shows. Can’t watch “Chuck” anymore after this.

What does that mean?

She spends too much time in the sun.

One of my favorite shows, made better by the excellent decision to have Gabrielle Anwar drop her attempt at an Irish accent.

So, when we left off: Michael jumps out of John Mahoney’s (Management’s) helicopter. Now he officially has no protection at all.

…can’t remember what else happened.

Nah, beef jerky has more fat.



Carla, AKA “Six” from Battlestar “God did it” Galactica had a Fi accident.

Outstanding, that was. :slight_smile:

One thing that has me really excited is that we’re supposed to learn a lot more about Fi, Mike, and Sam’s past this season.

She’s too skinny and tanned. I think she’d look better with a bit more meat on her bones…her face looks very gaunt. I noticed it in a scene with her ambulance driving (ex) boyfriend.

So pumped for tonight, I bet a ton of stuff is going to go down with this season picking up right where the last one left off. I’m waiting to see how comes out of the woodwork to try to get at Michael.
just watching the preview on repeat until 9 tonight!

That was cool. Harlan fooled me as well.

Yeah, it was a really cool episode. I like that it really had an “Act II” feel to it.

I was amazed to learn that she has three kids yet she’s still that… narrow.

For those who didn’t catch it on cable, it’s on USA’s website as well.

I keep thinking Management is like The Shop in Stephen King stories…more powerful than the CIA. Very cool story, and Harlan fooled me too. Poor Michael. He can only depend on Sam, Fee, and his mom. He didn’t even get paid for grabbing Rufino.

Maybe he went through Harlan’s wallet. Those Mercs make big bucks, I hear. :slight_smile:

I think the most interesting thing is that it looks like Michael’s focus is going to change. Before he was just trying to figure out who burned him, now it looks like he’s planning to figure out how to get re-employed. So probably he’s going to try and find something he can investigate that will reveal enough information that he can buy his way back in.

How in the world did Harlan fool some of you people? During his sob-story exposition scene, I turned to my wife and said, “Holy transparent setup, Batman.”

I hope we go into Mike’s motivation as to WHY he wants to be a real spy again.