Boneless, skinless chicken breast cooked on a bed of rosemarey, sage and thyme sprigs, fresh and spritzed with balsamic vinegar and some freshly cracked pepper.
Salad of slices of tomatoes, cucumber, red onion and whole basil leaves, sprized with a nice balsamic vinegar, with a scattering of olives [black] and manchego cheese.
Bavarian potato dumplings for the carbosaurs of the house
Fresh fruit alone, or with warm from the oven bread pudding with a nice creme anglais [vanilla custard sauce]
Yeah, it’s cold pizza for breakfast.
Leftover smoked turkey (DogDad does the BEST smoked turkey), fresh macaroni salad, diet decaf generic cola for dinner.
Yup, I burped. Oh wait, no I didn’t - I was reading Nero Wolfe at the time, so I “eructed”. 'Scuse me.
Home made chicken pot pie and a green salad. A certain burly gentleman assisted with dinner preparations. Some muscadine wine to wash it down. Then we made hot, sweaty “dessert” twice.