Yep, this was one pit thread I knew was coming.
A word of advice (hopefully this isn’t considered the junior mod bit), next time post a link and a short snippet of the article.
It’s just a Chinese computer.
And what is that supposed to mean?
oh, and point taken on the snippets.
Defending George W. Bush? What an unsavory position I have been put in, yet the rules of fair play dictate that I point out the following:
A) The entire bit was actually pretty darned self-effacing and humorous.
B) He does not joke about ‘MIA’ soldiers, as you state, acaveman.
[after squeezing some ketchup packets in his hands]-- “Nope, just some dead iraqis!” hyuk hyuk.
This is unbelievable. :mad:
That may be… but I can see the main focus of this becoming “Look at that. We need a president who can keep such a light and happy-go-lucky perspective on the events in the world of today.”
Instead of…
“Man… at least he can laugh at his own stupid ass mistakes.”
My guess is that Libertarian is referring to the post that he made it that thread:
If I had to guess, I would say that the implication is that your posts are nonsensical enough that it as if you are trying to be absurd so that you can see if you are talking to a bot that can not adapt, or other humans. Just a guess, though.
This is incredibly stupid and callous of Bush. It will be played over and over again in the rest of the world and it will create more antipathy and hatred towards the USA. Did he really have to do such a stupid thing? The guy has no common sense, no discretion.
It was not just Bush who made the mistake about the WMDs. A lot of people, very intelligent people at that, made the same mistake of calling out the contents Sadaam’s hand before they realized Sadaam was bluffing all along.
It was unfortunate that he chose the WMD calling out as the main thrust for war against Iraq.
acaveman, please use just a snippet and a link next time.
For the Straight Dope
I can’t imagine FDR holding up a picture of him looking under his desk in the oval office and showing it to a crowd of reporters at a dinner sometime in the late spring of '42 and saying “Nope, no Hitler under here–HAHAHAHA.” But then again, there’s nothing similar about how FDR and GWB run a country at war.
And if I may, I don’t think President Bush* was bright enough to get his speech writer’s joke the first time and probably still doesn’t understand how insensitive it was.
If he’d admitted the WMD mistake, took responsibility, did everything he could to fix the situation, and then joked about it - implying that the joke is squarely on himself and his administration - that may have been sorta OK. But in the context of current events? Inappropriate.
It would be like OJ going on SNL and doing a ‘glove doesn’t fit’ skit. Hey look at me! Remember this from my trial?? Look…the glove is too small!! This is funny, right? Right??
This is incredibly stupid and callous of Bush. It will be played over and over again in the rest of the world and it will create more antipathy and hatred towards the USA. Did he really have to do such a stupid thing? The guy has no common sense, no discretion
No, it’s amusing, and oddly self-deprecating for a Republican.
Yes, it will be played over and over again, no it won’t create anymore hatred than our current policies do. If anything, the “rest of the world” will laugh AT Bush.
No, he didn’t HAVE to, but see, he’s the Leader of the Free World, if he wants to goof, he goofs.
No common sense? No Discretion? Call me when he gets a hummer in the oval office from a low level functionary, and we’ll talk discretion.
And I don’t think, (though I haven’t read the transcript) that he mentioned MIA’s in that speech, in that light, if anyone has a cite, I’d like to stand corrected.
Dammit, I missed zwaldd’s post…
You’re comparing Bush to OJ now? HUH?
I wish there were a head-scratching smilie…
Even if you’re comparing actions to actions…
Hey, if I was a multimillionaire with incredible temporal and political power who was looking at a good chance of another term in office despite repeatedly lying about what I was doing, abusing my power, enriching my corporate buddies, destroying the economy, erasing thousands of jobs, and getting us into two separate wars…
…well, I suppose I’d be laughin’, too. “Man, them voters are such idjits! Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk…”
The point is that joking about your mistakes without admitting your mistakes is not self deprecating.
Let me see…
We have Godwins law…“As a thread grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.”
Is there a law about how fast a reference to Clinton’s “blowjob” show’s up in a derogatory thread about Bush?
At least Clinton was a guy who knew how to enjoy a funny joke at his expense, not stumble and stutter through some unfunny bit his writers stole from Leno.
A bad joke, written without class and told without grace. (You were expecting Steve Martin?)
Some of the reaction I have seen already has not been so much laughing AT Bush but outrage. The people and countries who opposed the war take this as an arrogant insult: “Yes, I started a war over a lie and now I’ll joke about it and the rest of the world be damned”. What can be gained by this obnoxious and arrogant behavior? Does he really need to create more antagonism? Colin Powell is trying to get Spain to not withdraw its troops from Iraq. Do you think this makes it easier for the new Spanish government to break their promise to the Spanish people? It was a really stupid thing to do and American diplomats now will have to go into damage control mode all over the world.