Bush orders strikes against Great Britan, Australia, Germany, France and Canada

Good lord, this is the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time.

“To all the men and women in our military, so far from home, I gave … a fourth grade girl.”

Now, that is funny, all right. And very cleverly done.

Not that I’m a republican or particulary like bush, but I don’t see anything particulary impressive about playing with an editing deck and a tape recording. It seems a mere step above mad-libs.

And by God, if you’re going to be putting words in his mouth, do it right!


All I get is:

I played it for some unsuspecting people here at work…they bought it, up until he starts about attacking “40 nations in the Middle East” and so on.

Was good for a laugh, though :smiley:

Damn, that was funny :smiley:

Letterman’s been doing something similar lately with both Bush and Schwarzenegger.