Butt stank that we get.

Sorry for the title, it’s a serious question.

You know the smell you or someone else would get around the anus after working out or sweating or whatever for a couple hours, even if you have great hygiene? It kind of smells like spicy cinnamon or something. What the hell causes that unique smell? IIRC I read it was some type of oil secreted by the anus to aid in digestion (lubrication of sorts), but it builds up, well that and bacteria. Is this correct? Specifics?

We all get it, but what the hell makes that particular odor? I can’t be the only one who makes sure that smell doesn’t show up, wouldn’t want a woman to EVER smell that on me.

It’s almost as if the entire internet is devoid of this information, since nobody wants to ask, so here I am.

That ain’t no normal smell at all…maybe it’s your washing detergents or dryer sheets.

I’m not talking about myself, but in general. What causes ass smell? Its not the smell of sh*t. Detergents/Fabric softeners wouldn’t matter.

You’re supposed to wash that part.

Your body is awash with bacteria (also fungi and other micro organisms) - they feed on your wastes and secretions and they cause you no harm - quite the contrary in fact; these benign skin flora outcompete more harmful pathogens that might infect your tissues

You’re probably smelling the waste products of bacteria. Harmless, normal, unavoidable, not even really ‘dirty’. Wash them off and they’ll grow back. Kill them off completely and you’re making yourself a ripe target for colonisation by more bacteria - probably just more of the same benign species.

Sounds like somebody needs to invest in Ass Don’t Smell.

Honestly, I’d just love to know how to get my booty sweat under control. These days it feels like I can’t put in an hour of work without the Cracks of Doom getting so sweaty that my underpants are wet to the touch. I’ve tried using my underarm antiperspirant down there without any luck.

Is there some product I can spread or spray on there that’ll relieve me of this ailment?

Butt plug? :rolleyes:

I have never smelled myself or anyone else around the anus after working out. How in the world did you conclude that what you are smelling is anus smell?

If the Internet is devoid maybe it’s not as common as you think.

Drysol. Apparently it’s available over the counter as well as by prescription.


How would anus oil help digestion? By then it’s too late.

This board never ceases to amaze me.

They now have deoderizing underwear…saw it in an ad on tv…but I suggest general cleanliness is all you really need…you can take yeast supplements. And don’t eat lots of garlic, it really does come out of your pores…imho

“In general”? How many asses have you sniffed? You got some splainin to do.

I don’t know…fragrances in detergents are made with aromatic oils or essential oils …they could remain on your skin…I think a peppermint-y or cinnamon-y smell could very well come from that…I’ve posted somewhere earlier about my experience with Gain detergent…that smell will permeate everything close to it…It is just awful!!

Using toilet paper does not really clean the area like soap and water would.

One-time nursing student here.

There are two kinds of sweat glands in human skin: eccrine and apocrine.

Eccrine sweat glands are the kind from which your chest and belly, forehead, arms, back, etc sweat. Unless you keep wearing the same clothes and don’t wash them (or yourself) over a prolonged period, there’s not much smell involved.

Apocrine glands can be found under the armpits and in the genital and anal areas. You may have noticed that armpits smell rather potently under sweaty conditions and have at least a discernable smell even when you mostly haven’t, unless you just got out of the shower. Well, down yonder in your whole crotchal area, you got the same phenom.

That’s what I was taught.

You know how folks apply perfume behind the ears and on the wrists… these are supposedly pulse points which spread the oils around and which eventually permeate large areas of the skin. The same holds true for any crotch area smell, it will eventually spread by skin to most points of the body. As well. the surface area of a tuft of hair is also a very effective means of spreading an odor by evaporation. That’s one of the ways in which pheromones are broadcast from our most sensitive areas.