Calif. Dopers: Did you see h.s. students walk out/protest today?

I didn’t know about this until 11am this morning, when I saw hordes of high school students coming down the sidewalk, yelling, waving signs, and getting passing motorists to honk their horns. A few police cars had shown up as well. From what I heard later, the students had organized walk-outs from various high schools to protest an immigration bill which has been much in the news lately.

   Did you see any of these students?  Did they walk out of your school?   Were you among them?

I saw a few on the way to work, but I didn’t see them until it was too late…to read their signs.

It was a group of, say, 60-100 along Venice Blvd in Culver City if anyone’s curious.

I work in downtown Long Beach. Left the office on an errand, couldn’t get back immediately because of closed-off streets. Went to lunch instead. Came back, there was quite a stream of marchers crossing the (cop-controlled) intersection, so of course that took an extra few minutes.

Otherwise peaceful. Some cars honking, presumably in support. Several Mexican flags being waved, and a few U.S. flags.

Beyond that… this is IMHO, not GD…

Good for them. Viva America!

Can’t they get busted for truancy?

I would think so, but have not heard the details yet.

Did anyone hear of a human chain (you know–the linked hands thing) on a freeway? Now, that wouldn’t exactly make me want to be in favor of their cause. Blocking freeway traffic, or any traffic for that matter, does not make me sympathetic.

We shouldn’t simply be welcoming all and any who want to come here, at least not without addressing the issues in Latin America which make that region, apparently, such a difficult one in which to live. Vicente Fox promised a new deal for Mexico when he came into office, but it’s just been the same old thing–dependence on the Northern escape valve, oligarchy, and impossible wages and working conditions at home.

Nope. Did get stuck in a bomb scare down on Market when I went for lunch though. Gave up on getting to the bank and just headed down to the Rincon center for one of those tasty Texas Twist wraps. Mmm…shallots.

I don’t know if they made a chain, but some of the students did walk onto the Harbor Freeway (and Fifth Street, I think?). Not the sharpest move. Never, ever get between an Angeleno and his freeway.