I’ve had the rulebook for a while, and I’m going to attempt a game when our current D&D 3.5 adventure finally dies an unhappy death.
Anyone played or is playing? I’m looking for pitfalls to avoid, good resources for more info and scenarios, just general advice on playing (and GMing, because I assume I’ll be running the game).
I got the rulebook right away when it came out, and it was a great read, but I’ve not gotten to run it yet. Maybe I’ll do a one-shot for Hallowe’en; that’s a great idea!
Like some others have said, tdc and I have the book, but have yet to run/play anything in the d20 setting. I’m very interested in it, but the opportunity has yet to arise.
I ran it once, using one of the pre-generated adventures in the book. The one about the old movie theater. Went pretty well: the system was able to handle everything the characters wanted to do, and the adventure itself was pretty cool.