Called in sick. Again.

Dammit, I have been sick so many times this year!

This time it’s aches, sinus pain, stuffy nose, shortness of breath and a nice, productive cough…

I worked through this damn thing on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. But I woke up today and said screw this nappy sheeyit. I’m staying home.

What sucks is that I know the cause of this increase in illness is due to a decision I made… I started skipping my allergy shot appointments so I could do 5Ks and 10Ks through the summer. I’ve recently started them up again, but it takes a while to build back up. I’ll never take a break from allergy shots again.

Miserable in Minnesota

P.S. I saw a health professional last night. I’m all medded up. Don’t worry about me, just feel my pain.

That’s a drag. I wish I didn’t feel so guilty about taking sick days. I was feeling pretty under the weather yesterday, but had so much to get done at work that I went in anyway. Damn responsability!

I feel guilty, but sometimes I’m like, “Screw 'em!” When I wake up, feel like crap and am pretty much unable to talk… I’m callin’ in, baby.

Don’t feel guilty - remember, you’re doing them a favor by not making them sick.

Here, GfH, have some Theraflu. On me. :wink: