Calorie free Slurpee, Yippee!

From 330 calories to 0. I’ve got to go find a 7-Eleven. I haven’t had one in years, but they are one of those fondly remembered childhood treats. The Raspberry Ice Crystal Light version sounds good. Anybody had one yet?

New Diet Slurpee has no calories.

I’ve hed the raspberry and a orange/pineapple one. They’re both really, really good. Not all 7-11s carry them, though. I have to travel around 20 miles to get one, which means I don’t get it very often.

I’ve heard of this. One of my WW co-workers came into a meeting one night with the lemonade version. I haven’t had one yet.

Which is really silly, because I live in a condo that is literally RIGHT BEHIND a frickin’ 7-11. I should check and see if they have it.

We don’t have 7-11s in Madison. When I was in Denver last year visiting my brother they had 7-11s on pretty much every other street corner. I was such the Slurpee Boy for that week.

They are YUMMY especially the orange pineapple one. They leave a funky aftertaste which I kinda like.

If I’m reading the article correctly, only the Diet Pepsi slurpee is calorie-free. The Crystal Light slurpees are a third of the calories of a regular slurpee.

Very true. Thanks for pointing that out, since I didn’t actually bother to click on the link yet.

Best to know these things up front.

I am a grown man who loves frozen drinks. I could also stand to not push 32 ounces of high fructose corn syrup into my gut every day, so I tried the Diet Pepsi Slurpee.

I think it’s awful. The taste is okay, but the consistency comes out like tiny little ice pebbles in water – not the smoothness I’ve come to expect from a well-frozen Slurpee.

I’ve also tried the raspeberry and lemon types, but they taste amazingly too sweet – artificial sweetener galore.

And read the small print. The Crystal Light Slurpees have four calories per ounce. It’s not bad if you get the little kiddee-size cups, but when you drink a 32 ounce model, that’s more calories than a can of light beer.

Diet drinks are for women and the devil. Give me sugar any day, I love a good sugar rush!

Ive had the Raspberry Ice Crystal Light, it’s really deeelish. I wish there was a 7-11 near me, but sadly there is not. Luckily, I’m spending the next week in a town where there ARE 7-11’s and I plan to make the most of it.