I just tried Pepsi Blue, have you?

I went to a 7-11 on the way to my school (tutoring and then my final exam), and they had a small display of Pepsi Blue nestled between ice (cubes? donuts? shards?). They were two for a buck, so I got two, and I’m probably gonna give the second to my brother.

It’s… neat. I actually rather like it (but hope they’re bringing out a diet version, because I rarely drink regular pop). It seems to be a bit less carbonated and not quite as sweet as normal pepsi. In a way, it’s sort of like a slurpee version of pop. It tastes like you have some slurpee Pepsi, and some slurpee Berry and you mixed the two together, melted it and injected carbonation into it.

Heh, it tastes better than I just made it sound. :stuck_out_tongue:

The cola notes aren’t as prominent, the berry is more noticable. The weird thing is the aftertaste. There doesn’t seem to be as much of an aftertaste with this pop compared to others, and the flavour that does remain is of a berry slurpee.

The only vaguely unsettling thing is that it’s the same hue of Windex. :wink:

I give it a thumbs up, myself.

Wow. Color me surprised–I had no clue there was even a new Pepsi. I haven’t seen ads for it or anything. Your review makes it sound good, though, so I’ll watch out for it! :slight_smile:


I hope it gives ya a BRIGHT blue tongue!


Caramel M&M’s, Vanilla Coke, Blue Pepsi - I can’t keep up!


Shoot, I thought I was on the cutting edge by finding Diet Mountain Dew Code Red last night.

Crap, another thing to add to the list.

There’s some new red Dr. Pepper thing, too. Saw it at Jewel yesterday.

Caramel M&M’s???

Information, I need information on this. A link would be nice if there is one. This is the first I’ve heard about this.

Thanks in advance.

I am just finishing my second bag of Caramel M&M’s which I discovered I had to own after hearing about them here on the boards. I had a vanilla Coke today too, and I can’t wait to try the Pepsi Blue since my car is the same color!

As to the M&M’s…since they are only test marketing them in select areas of the country, and I am not in one of those areas, we went to plan B…a friend has a friend who is an exec with M&M-Mars…but he couldn’t get any for us. they were in short supply. Enter plan C. My friend Lilith Fair has a sister who lives in Texas, which is one of the test markets, so she sent us several bags. They arrived slightly smooshed, but quite tasty. Not unbelievably incredible, but quite nice.

Now about that Red Fusion from Dr. Pepper…saw it at Giant Eagle last night but didn’t get any…maybe next week.

Whoo, I love the Diet Mountain Dew Code Red! I have to email Pepsi to ask (beg) them to sell it in 8-packs of 20oz. bottles.

Oh, and the label of Pepsi Blue makes me think of Techno- Pirates for some reason.

And I’ve been smacking myself since I posted the OP, because I keep thinking, “DAMMIT, it’s the same hue AS windex, not OF windex, you eeediot!” :smack:

I used to live in Columbia, SC, which I read once is a test-marketer’s paradise because of its isolated media markets or something … anyway, we used to get lots and lots of things long before they went national. It was kinda cool.

It sounds good.
mmmm blue mmmm:(

I think, for my purposes, a link won’t be sufficient. Please mail me a sample. A 55 gallon drum should be enough.

Thanks in advance.
P.S. Better make it two barrels. Astroboy14 might want some. Thanks again.

Don’t talk to me about caramel M&M’s. I’ve been looking for them all year (including in Texas). I’ve even gone to the M&M’s website and asked them where the closest location is that I can buy them. They never responded.

It sounds like Pepsi Blue is better than (shudder) Crystal Pepsi. Remember that? When they realized it wasn’t going anywhere they changed the labels on the stuff to call it Crystal by Pepsi. I wonder if it still exists anywhere?

I SO have to try this!
It’s going to confuse my little cousins, though, I suspect. Their mother drinks Diet Pepsi, and gets caffeine free Pepsi for them. To distinguish it from the Pepsi their mother drinks, they say, “Blue Pepsi”, because the bottle is blue.

I went out after reading this thread in search of the elusive Pepsi Blue. Alas, it was not to be found.

On the other hand, I did find the new Dr. Pepper. It’s called Dr. Pepper: Red Fusion and looks quite similar to Mountain Dew: Code Red in color. It’s hardly a new drink at all. It’s red-colored Dr. Pepper. Pretty disapointing.

I think What hes talking about is a 7-11 promotion that sells A odd cup that holds pepsi and a slurpee at the same time

The commericial shows someone drinking both at the same time …

Sorry no I have not tried it. I do not plan on trying it.

I am still pissed over the Pepsi Company dropping Josta soda in favor of Pepsi One.

They’ll make blue pepsi but they won’t bring back josta!
I WANT JOSTA ! :frowning:

I didn’t like it. I couldn’t taste the “cola” notes at all – thought it tasted like carbonated Sharkleberry Fin Kool-Aid. VERY SWEET. And yet, at the same time, oddly bitter.

Didn’t finish the bottle… Thumbs down.