Can anyone following the webcomic "Gunnerkrigg Court" explain what just happened?

Been reading this for a while now but the last few weeks have taken this story some strange places and I’m not sure I’m following the narrative.

I was sort of following up to this point

Then I sort of lost the plot line.

Wow, I got behind on this… just flashed through a bunch of it. So, her dad came back and she totally went to ground. She gave control of Renard over to Kat, so her dad really can’t control him; she separated the fire within her and hid it up in the ceiling of her room so he couldn’t have that. Her dad wants to help her but doesn’t have a clue, and thought that regimented life under strict control would do it. Nope. Coyote wanted to see her, because her dad wasn’t letting her back to the forest, so Coyote came and started trashing the court and the people in charge said “Cripes. Maybe you could, oh, I dunno, let your daughter do her job?” And her dad kind of agreed.

And then there’s the bunny spirit that wanted to be a real boy.


Today’s comic was hilarious, made even funnier by the previous comic.

[spoiler]Chapter 55: The Break Out. Annie asks for Renard back, starts to explain he’s her friend; her dad gives him back without objection. END OF CHAPTER.

HAHAHAHAHA! [/spoiler]