For some reason, the other day, my Mom said to me out of the blue, “Yora gora stink blink”. I was instantly transported to a time anywhere between 10 and 15 years ago, when that phrase abounded in our household, usually followed by “I’m a WHAT!?”
This phrase was used so often because someone had read it in a story in the children’s magazine “Highlights” that we used to get. It was a story about a family who received a seashell in the mail from someone, and the Dad put it to his ear and after listening to it, all he could say was “Yora gora stink blink.” I remember it was the Dad because in the story his boss called him and that was all he could say on the phone, angering his boss. Other members of the family listened and got similar nonsense phrases, but the first one is the one that really stuck with us. I don’t remember how the story ended, nor am I sure why our family liked it so much. I’m sure it wasn’t any sort of spectacular story, it must have just tickled our fancy for some reason.
Well, I’ve been trying to find it again. None of my friends remember the story, and I looked for it online with no avail. Google doesn’t know it.
All I know is that it was in “Highlights” sometime between 1988 and 1993, which were my main “Highlights” reading days. Does anyone have any recollection of this story? People most likely to remember it would probably be born in the mid 80s like me, or have had children then. Any memories of this story at all is greatly appreciated.
Merla, m’dear, methinks this were best placed over in Cafe Society. But please, if anyone knows, we both want to know!
Goofus knows the answer but chooses to torment the OP by not telling her.
Gallant knows it’s not nice to keep a curious person waiting, and graciously explains that-
Sorry, I don’t actually remember, but I’ll ask my sister when she wakes up. We were avid Highlights readers at the dentist’s office.
I read Highlights way back, but the years you’re looking for had me in my mid to late 20s. Funny, I can’t remember a thing beyond Goofus and Gallant, though I’m sure I read it for several years.
Thanks, Vanyel. Nothing like a brother to criticize you.
rolls eyes
Oh my god, I remember that story! I don’t remember any more than you do, unfortunately.
I remember that, and I remember the illustration that went with it. It must’ve been in the 90’s, because I don’t think I had any Highlights older than '89 or so. The girl had brown hair, I remember, and the seashell was a gift from her grandma, who’d gotten it for her on a vacation. They had to do… something, to break the spell. Then grandma went somewhere else on a different vacation, sent them another gift, and there was different gibberish.
You might try writing to the magazine at
Was this around the time they have ‘Goofus’ and . . .
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. . . aw shit. ‘Goofus’ and ‘Butthead’?
I can’t remember the names now. . .
Guess I’ll try writing the editor. Still no success in finding it.
I looked in the online Highlights database, that I had not found before, and it is from the March 1992 issue. It is called Jiggla-Sniggla by Janet S. Anderson. I haven’t found it anywhere else, my chance to read it again is head to the library and see if they have it in the stacks. But I’m just thrilled I found it again