Can I get suggestions for an alternative to Outlook Xpress??

Okay Mozilla users… and anyone else who can help!

My problem is this: I installed Mozilla and I love it! YES! NO SPAM!

But, and there’s always a but, my Outlook Express account still seems to be active. I have tried deleting the account but all that did was back up my messages into an"inbox" that overfilled and so nothing was being delivered to my Mozilla inbox. How do I get rid of my Outlook inbox? I think my husband is still using Outlook Express so removing it from the computer may not be an option.

I’ve been using Pegasus for years, and love it. I recommend it.

You should be able to delete your account. If not, remove your mailbox from Outlook Express and try deleting it again.

Can I please ask a question? I have been using Netscape 7.1 for both my email and browser. A friend recently recommended Mozilla to compliment Netscape, and he even told me that it would help Netscape browser run faster. So far, I think Mozilla is fine, though Netscape did a good job blocking pop-ups and things too.

Anyway, here’s my question: when I open my mail in Mozilla, my entire address book is gone. All of my folders too. But when I close out the Mozilla browser and open my mail the regular way (the little envelope icon in my tool bar), my address book and folders are there. Am I going to have to transfer all of this?

I’m not too knowledgable with computers, so any help would be appreciated.

This icon… How did it get there? If it’s always been there, it sounds like you’re in fact using Outlook as your mail client, not Netscape.

It sounds like you think your mail is a constant, coherent thing that you can reach via different programs, much like how you can reach a website via different programs. It’s doesn’t quite work that way. Folders created in one mail client are saved in that particular mail client and does not automatically transfer to another.

Priceguy, thanks for answering. This envelope icon is my Netscape Mail & Newsgroup icon. It’s on the left side of my toobar, and when I want to open my mail, all I have to do is click it. It was put in my toolbar when I downloaded Netscape 7.1.

Another thing that happens now that I’ve downloaded Mozilla is that when I click on the little icon on my tool bar it asks for my name and password. Then it opens in a Netscape browser. But none of my Favorites are there. Weird.

Each browser or email client has it’s own favorites file or address book. You can usually import or export these files from one program to another. You usually select
and then
to send to another program
to get from another program.

I use neither Netscape nor Mozilla, but I understand Netscape versions 6+ are based on Mozilla, so I suppose they can look the same. No real help here, though.

Anyway, the mail question. If you open your mail from within Mozilla, you, as far as I can tell, open a different mail client than your regular one, which is why the inboxes aren’t there. Yes, you will have to transfer them manually unless Mozilla has a function to do it for you (check the Mozilla homepage/FAQ/help files/documentation; they tend to be pretty good). Basically, pick a mail client and stick with it.

Priceguy and carnivorousplant, thanks a bunch! You’ve helped. I didn’t know if I had downloaded wrong or what. Knowing that this is normal is a relief. And knowing that I can transfer everything (and how to!) is great.

Thanks again.