What I’m not clear on, is when I go into battle, am I fighting the computer? Or am I fighting other players online?
And is it better to play on PS4? Or Computer?
And any other tid bits of information you can give to me would be greatly appreciated. I have NO idea how any of this online gaming stuff works.
It’s been a while for me, as well. You can find PvP fights with human opponents (in ships, at least, I don’t remember if there were fights on foot against other people), but IIRC you have to have a few levels under your belt and choose to go to certain places.
I would imagine PC is better to play on than PS4, but if you generally prefer the console you might not agree.
Since online gaming is new to you, I would recommend just noodling around and doing whatever looks interesting, and don’t worry much about what you’re “supposed” to do. There’s always a learning curve, and I think it’s most fun if you just take it at your own pace and explore however you like.
I’d also recommend joining a guild. There are often ones that are very welcoming and helpful to new players.
I had a blast playing STO, back in the day. The game was a little old and dusty even back then, but it was still fun to roam around the Star Trek universe. And the spaceship battles were pretty well done, very engaging.