I’ve tried searching musipedia for identification, but I’m not having any luck. I keyed in the basic tune, but the timing is slightly off. Still, it’s definitely recognizable.
I have this stuck in my head on a regular basis; I just can’t place it.
I’ve tried searching musipedia for identification, but I’m not having any luck. I keyed in the basic tune, but the timing is slightly off. Still, it’s definitely recognizable.
I have this stuck in my head on a regular basis; I just can’t place it.
Music threads tend to do better in Cafe Society. Moved.
samclem GQ moderator
(It’s the top bit on the page you linked, right?) Argh! It’s very familiar! It’s right on the tip of my brain. It was used in cartoons, it’s a very lively piece, not Suprise Symphony, I don’t think it’s from William Tell… cudgels brain If it’s the one that was brought to my mind, it was played frequently as part of the Vienna New Year celebration symphony in the 90s, maybe now too.
Speed it up, and it might be part of the can-can?
(To be more accurate, the music comes from Orpehus in the Underworld, by Offenbach: dreadful midi version)
Yes, it was the cancan that I was thinking of! Would it be Jacques Offenbach’s Galop Infernal from Orpheus in the Underworld? Check out the Wikipedia link for a simplified midi version of the song.
It’s not the cancan, it’s just the beginning that matches.
There is another lively song that has a similar opening, but I cannot bring it up. Bleh…
I also think that it is part of the Can Can by Offenbach. It would come in the middle of the “rowdy” part of the dance. But the Can Can is from Gaite Parisienne, I believe.
I used to play the Can Can on the piano for some dancers and I played almost an identical series of notes.
That is a really cool website!
The last three notes don’t fit the Can-Can.
I think it probably is the Can-can. I’m guessing I allowed the tune to mutate in my head a little, or maybe I’ve heard a mutated version as a cell ringtone or something. But that sounds like what I’m looking for.
Thanks all.
I hate to throw a monkey wrench into your relief but I think it is something else. I pick it up from the last few notes. I sincerely want to thank you for something that is now driving ME crazy. lol. I am humming it from there but now need to identify it.