can this kill my son? need answer fast.

I hate Rush Limbaugh, he’s such a jerk. He’s so obnoxious, and the other day he was whining yet again about how drugs are bad, so as a laugh I cooked up some meth and had my three-year-old smoke some. And what do you know, he liked it!

Now, I only give him a couple a week, but I’ve been wondering if maybe it might be harmful. It won’t, right? He seems happy enough.
Everything above is false, except for Limbaugh being a jerk. Linky link

Godless commie liberal feminazis are ruining this country by trying to get kids interested in playing Russian Roulette. I mean, look at the name, folks! Russian! How much more obvious do I need to be before you wake up to the Commielib takeover of our own families? If you see your kids playing this “Russian” roulette, then you stand up as an American parent and put a stop to it!



I believe parody threads are supposed to contain a link to the original ETA: The OP in the original thread is a huge douchebag.

Always read the small print, Monk.

I thought the original thread was a parody thread. Or at least a bullshit OP.

I didn’t start this thread, I’m just trying to provide some clarity.

But in the op, where it says linky link is the link to the thread that is being parodied.

Yes, he is.

Read the small print in the OP.

I mean, sheesh.

Ah. Well the guy from the original thread is still a huge douchebag. I think we can all agree on that part of my post.

No argument here.

Just dropping in to remark on how much fun the very word *douchebag * is.

Douchebag. Douchebag. “Lord and Lady . . . Doouuuchebag!”

That’s all I got. Carry on discussing whatever it is you were discussing.

Yes, but did you invite over Rush Limbaugh so that he could watch your toddler smoke meth?

I mean, the only justification for drugging toddlers is if you want to piss off a PC whackjob by making them watch you do something so totally un-PC. Just doing it for the hell of it, though? Everyone knows that’s wrong. Duh.

You’re all douchebags. But that’s not why I called. Fuck that motherfucker doing that to his dog.

Yeah, my pitting skills need work, but I just woke up.

I’ll be back when I’m awake. Beware of me then. God, I’m pissed.

Chocolate covered onion rings- *Chocolate covered onion rings? * Oh and “sturdy dog” was a winner also.

I’ll give him a “C” for creativity. The OP was an over the top “dance puppets dance” exercise from front to back.

It’s easy to make the SDMB dance which is the flip side of us being so willing to help someone out, and having to to rely on the good faith of the members.

C’mon guys. Chicken bones? The guy is trolling and you all leapt like like trout to a lure.

To be clear: the guy feeding the onions and chocolate to his dog is who I am calling a douchebag (it is a fun word!).

Rush would recommend an oxi/choclate shake to pep up your son.

Work out a trade with Rush, he can give you some of his oxi, and you can give him some meth. I bet your son & rush would enjoy some speedballing.