Can we have a WYSIWYG post window?

Over at the Giraffe Board, the post form has a button that toggles the WYSIWYG mode and standard code mode. It is so convenient to have that feature for boding, and posting links and such. Is that a feature that could be turned on over here, or would it require a vB upgrade?

Is there a feature that doesn’t show up if you use the “Preview Post” button?

This mode eliminates the need for “Preview Post” for most situations…

Its a lot like power windows on a car… I can still roll down the windows without it, but its a nice feature to have.

I’ll look at it over the weekend, see what I can do here.

Go ahead and try it now. You should see it for full editing and quick reply, both.

(For those of you who haven’t seen this window before, you should now see a small A/A in the upper, right-hand corner of the reply box. Click that to toggle between standard and WYSIWYG mode.)

Is this blue?

(a test, if it wasn’t obvious)

You rock, SkipMagic! Thank you!

What does WYSIWYG stand for? :confused:

What You See Is What You Get. In this case it refers to being able to see what your post will look like while it’s in the dialog box instead of seeing all the vB coding.

Well, done. Thanks

I am very impressed. This is too cool!

Gotta take this puppy for a ride.

Neat! Thanks!

hi in bold


Thanks, Skip, for stepping in and taking care of business, it was going to be now before I got to it and now I don’t have to. I appreciate it.

By the way, [del]delete doesn’t show up on the toggle[/del], though it still (obviously) shows up on preview.

I may be being stupid, but the up and down arrowheads next to the As just increase/decrease the size of the reply box, don’t they?

Correct. (In response to the second part of your post. I make no comment about the first. :D)

**Testing **out the coolness.


Testing Bold, Italic, Underline, :slight_smile: Fonts. This is Great!