I know there was one a few months ago, and I requested to be in it, but got passed over. So I didn’t the drawers from some other Doper in the mail. So I’d like to try to get another one going. Who’s interested? We can divvy it up so that guys get girls and vice versa, unless specifically requested. Do we have a volunteer to come up with a nifty logarithm to decide who gets who, or do we leave that up to whim?
Can We Start a New Doper Underwear Swap?
No, no we can’t.
I second the idea of “no”.
Can I ask why? Personally, I think the thought of bobkitty or Nocturne or someone sleeping in my boxers is a pretty sexy idea.
Hey, to all parties interested in participating, knock yerselves out. Just strikes me as borderline creepy.
Actually, scratch that “borderline”.
Ummmmm… I’d have to say no to that idea.
There may be a few posters on this board who’s undies you might want into, but chances are you’re going to get someone you don’t want (or maybe even know) with a fuckin’ skid-mark in them.
Yech. No thanks.
Well I thought it sounded like a good laugh, I haden’t thought of the skid marked one’s though (ewwww) but I’m sure it would be a success going by the White elephant swap, wasen’t like people sent used condoms in that or anything (not that I heard anyway) and that was open to everyone.
Ugh. I can see it now:
I bet that if someone posted it as a topic it’d get massive reads though!
Woah there just one moment!!!
I would just like to state for the record that all underpants that were given in the Secret Underpants Gnome Exchange[sup]tm[/sup] were NEW. NEW, NEW, NEW. Off the rack/shelf at a reputable major chain store. I even washed the ones I sent to my beloved thinksnow prior to packing them up. I mean, it would be a little freaky if I’d actually gotten think’s undies, considering he sent me thongs. Unless there’s yet another thing we don’t know about him…
::shudder:: Exchange used undies? What kind of person do you think I am??? [sub]don’t even THINK about answering that[/sub]
And Supe, nice try at getting back in my good graces. Didn’t work, but it’s sweet. After all, I spent all weekend waiting patiently for a surprise, and… nada. But feel free to keep trying.
Just remember folks
Step one : Exchange Underpants
Step three: Profit
Um… a nifty logarithm to decide who gets who? Might I recommend my personal favorite, the natural log?
As the only other participant in the original Secret Underpants Gnome Exchange[sup]tm[/sup] arranged and coordinated by Rue, I’d like to note that the boxers I got from bobkitty were [sub](to steal military terminology)[/sub] new and in working order in all respects.
New. New and unused. New, unused and unworn.
The same goes for the panties I sent her (being the other of the total two participants), except that I wore some of them on my head first.
It was (relatively) cheap/inexpensive and it ads a bit of spice to your undie-drawer, if for no other reason, you’ll be wearing underwear that someone else bought you (and not your spouse or mother.)
Well, I would be happy to package up some ginch and send them off to someone.
And I never turn down a nice, fresh thong.
Spice? I don’t think I want Cayenne Pepper in my panties.
Personally, I find it vaguely creepy. In principle, I have no problems sharing my underwear with dopers; I’m just selective about who I share with.
<porc, who has plenty of nice things in her underwear drawer>