Can you call admitted socks socks?

This speaking about a user who admitted just two posts ago to being a member that was banned just yesterday. Or is this also against the rules in GD?

I pretty much already did. I guess we’ll see if I get modded.

This is the person in question



Assuming the mods don’t delete the threads.

In the Pit (with that first thread) all bets are off anyway. But if the poster admits it I don’t see the harm. I did remove the second thread Peter Morris linked to, though. Sorry about that.

No, that was definitely the way to go. :smiley: Thanks for clarification.

In other forums besides the Pit, it would be better to report the situation and let the mods deal with it rather than bring it up in the thread. Even if the poster admits socking (or seems to), discussion within the thread may produce a hijack or other derailing of the thread.

The only thing I could add is that the most prudent thing to do when dealing with admitted socks is to hit the ‘Report a Post’ button and let us deal with it.

That’s the first thing people should do. Report the post first, then start thinking up your best zingers.

Too bad, in a way. The Pit thread was fun, if for no other reason than this exchange -



OK, that was pretty funny.