can you recommend any porn DVDs?

I like “girl next door” sorta stuff best.

I haven’t rented/bought/seen any porn DVDs, but in a related vein, can someone tell me if the titles available on videotape are also available on DVDs or not? Because the few times I’ve checked, it seems like both groups have their own set of titles, with no “crossover” (as there is in most movies, which have both videotape and DVD versions).

Just curious, of course. :wink:

is there actually a “difference”? isn’t all porn kinda the same, with some obvious exceptions? unless its all guys, it all seems okay to me…:wink:

p.s.-- what does the girl who lives next door to you think about all this?

She said she loved me like a brother. That was great, cause she was from Mississippi!

She doesnt even know I film her… :wink:

Yes. At least some are. I remember killing time in an adult book store by going through the “classic” DVDs, finding the ones I had seen on video, and then reading the box to see what enhanced features were added - usually none.

Girls Gone Wild series, you might even see your neighbor in it.