Can you solve this riddle for me?

It appeared in our local paper.I’m damned if I know and it’s baffling the hell out of me…

‘Which two English words have the same number of letters,sound the same and yet do not share any letters at all’ ?

:wally My brain hurts

Cool one. If someone knows the answer (cue queue? not even close), could you put it in a spoiler box while the rest of us (flocks phlox? no, there’s the “o” and the letter count is off…) rassle with this?

I’m in the biz. I should know this.

you, ewe

Congrats, Casey. I racked my brain over it.

Leave it to **Casey ** to figure it out first. Seriously, you’re **Cecil ** arent’t you? :dubious:


And, damn, I was going through the letters of the alphabet (see “cue/queue” above) – but gave up too soon because I thought that was stupid.

Congrats, Casey!

duffer, ixnay on the Ecil-cay. :wink:

Remember that Confidentiality form you signed? Remember the penalties?

You gave up with four letters to go? Ya lazy git!

In my own defense – I started with “queue,” then went back to the front of the, well, queue. :stuck_out_tongue:

Damnit! This is why nobody lets me in the cool clubs! :smack:

I have a confession to make.

My wife came up with the answer 5 seconds after I asked her the question.

I apologize for misleading you all. She is the one who deserves all the adulation. Brains and beauty, and I’m fortunate to have her.

I’m sorry. :frowning:

You’re married to Cecil?

Well, thanks to recent court decisions, not anymore.