It appeared in our local paper.I’m damned if I know and it’s baffling the hell out of me…
‘Which two English words have the same number of letters,sound the same and yet do not share any letters at all’ ?
:wally My brain hurts
It appeared in our local paper.I’m damned if I know and it’s baffling the hell out of me…
‘Which two English words have the same number of letters,sound the same and yet do not share any letters at all’ ?
:wally My brain hurts
Cool one. If someone knows the answer (cue queue? not even close), could you put it in a spoiler box while the rest of us (flocks phlox? no, there’s the “o” and the letter count is off…) rassle with this?
I’m in the biz. I should know this.
you, ewe
Congrats, Casey. I racked my brain over it.
Leave it to **Casey ** to figure it out first. Seriously, you’re **Cecil ** arent’t you? :dubious:
And, damn, I was going through the letters of the alphabet (see “cue/queue” above) – but gave up too soon because I thought that was stupid.
Congrats, Casey!
duffer, ixnay on the Ecil-cay.
Remember that Confidentiality form you signed? Remember the penalties?
You gave up with four letters to go? Ya lazy git!
In my own defense – I started with “queue,” then went back to the front of the, well, queue.
Damnit! This is why nobody lets me in the cool clubs! :smack:
I have a confession to make.
My wife came up with the answer 5 seconds after I asked her the question.
I apologize for misleading you all. She is the one who deserves all the adulation. Brains and beauty, and I’m fortunate to have her.
I’m sorry.
You’re married to Cecil?
Well, thanks to recent court decisions, not anymore.