Canadiens Fans are classless jerks

Habs Fans boo Star Spangled Banner

What the bloody blue fuck?! I don’t have any problems with anyone’s stance on the war [sub](I believe it is necessary, I just have issues with the way Dubya went about the whole mess, but that’s another thread)[/sub] or their desire to protest/voice their opposition, but why be a bunch of assholes about it? What an incredible and disappointing display of disrespect. When Canadian teams come to Tampa I show the same respect for “Oh Canada” that I do for our national anthem. As a matter of fact, I give people who talk or don’t stand and remove their hats the evil eye until they show respect for Canada’s national anthem as well. It’s just common courtesy. (BTW, you guys have a great anthem, I’ve always thought it was cool)

Well, I’m posting this at work and have been interrupted a few times, so my ire is not what it was when I started. Allow me to sum up this weak and fizzled rant with a hearty…



[sub]This is in no way directed at all Canadians, (I really like most of you guys, Eh?) just the assholes who can’t bite their tongues for 5 fuckin’ minutes.[/sub]

Here here! I’m always glaring at some clueless fuck who thinks he dosen’t have to stand for “Oh, Canada” when the Jays are in town. Booing the Star Spangles Banner. Classless assholes.

What can I say it’s Montreal…
This booing of national anthemns is nothing new. Jerks on both side of the boarder were doing it quite a bit last year during the Playoffs.

I agree they should have more sense then to do something soclassless, but this war has removed some peoples common courtesy and common sense.

dosent this tie in with the incident last year of “O Canada” being booed at a hockey game?
So many idiots in the world, so few clues.

Actually, I prefer “So many idiots, so few comets.” :wink:

Yeah, I remember that, but I couldn’t find a cite or the ensuing pit thread. IIRC, it started once again with Canadians booing the SSB during an NBA game. Had something to do with the Afghanistan friendly-fire incident?


FWIW, as a Canadian, I apologize. While this is nothing new and our anthem has been the recepient of a strong Boo from the US several times in the past, it’s very lacking in class.


No need to apologize. This doesn’t reflect on all Canadians.

My thoughts exactly


Montreal fans are utterly demoralized; for a decade or more, any time they have a decent player the team trades him.

I forgive them; they know not what they do.

Also, remember, this is Montreal. They don’t even like CANADA.

Sounds like a case of the Habs vs. the Hab Nots. This will pass. When you start an unpopular war you can expect even your good friends to be upset.

Lies, all lies! The rest of the province doesn’t like Canada, we do though :wink:

Booing someone else’s national anthem is rude, to be sure. There has been a growing feeling of unhappiness with our southern neighbors, though. It’s a lot of little stuff I bet most of your Americans haven’t even heard about - the guy getting arrested for driving into a gas station, the sending of Canadians back to random places elsewhere in the world etc.


  1. A lot of Habs fans are real jerks, cf. 1993 riots.
  2. Montreal is a veritable hotbed of anti-war sentiment–200,000 people in the streets last time around.
  3. But I’m fairly sure that Toronto fans booed the US national anthem last year during the Leafs/Islanders series. I seem to remember that, anyway. So it’s not just Montreal.


By the way, sorry on behalf of my town. I’m not a huge fan of the war, but this is just fucking tasteless.


  1. I’ve heard of the Richard riot in 1955 but the only riot I can remember around that time in 1993 was the one that happened in Vancover, when the Canucks lost in the cup finals.

  2. The fans in New York booed the Canadian national anthem last year, but I’m pretty sure that Toronto fans never returned the favor.

That is so far off base it’s not funny Cranky.

I’m just gonna say that you have to look at the people who booed-- morons dumb enough to plunk down a day’s pay to watch a pathetic team play a pathetic sport.

— A born, bred, and raised Montrealer.

I don’t think she’s that far off base. My company does about 56% of our work with Canada, and only MONTREAL clients call me and specifically ask me NOT to write CANADA on their mailing labels as they find it ‘insulting’.

Certainly they don’t represent ALL of Montreal, but Cranky’s statement is certainly true of a lot of Montrealians

Hockey is far from a pathetic sport.

Montreal’s team does suck eggs though.

How is this different from americans renaming their fried foods? I see americans calling the french “surrender monkeys” how classy is that?

I wonder if the french are calling americans “war mongering SUV* driving mcdonalds eating fat fucks”. I admit though it doesn’t roll off the tongue.

*This isn’t an SUV rant. I just pulled it off the top of my head.

Somehow flagwaving should be in there as well.:stuck_out_tongue: