Jesus - REALLY Vancouver? It's a fucking hockey game.

How embarrassing Vancouver - you lost a fucking hockey game and THIS is how you react:

Rioting? Looting? Fires? A Boston fan tossed over an overpass??? :confused::confused::confused::mad::mad: WTF??

That’s fucking fantastic. There are some reports that the Boston fan DIED - I really hope that’s hype and not true.

I’m disgusted with the assholes that started this mess, but just as disgusted with the spectators that insist on sticking around to watch it like it’s a friggin’ block party. Go the fuck home people. Walk if you have to.

Stay classy people. Stay classy.

Hockey? That’s where schoolgirls run around a field in short skirts, right?

I can see people getting passionate about that.

disappointedOh, Canada…disappointed

I thought Canadians were peaceful woodland critters who liked to dance around on the ice. :frowning:

Sort of violence too often associated with soccer.

Not a huge surprise though, is it. The same thing happened in 94, the last time they made it to the finals.

One guy, and he looked pretty hardcore himself, was trying to stop a crowd from burning a car. He got swarmed, and they burned the car anyway. I don’t think it was his car; he was probably just taking a stand, for all the good it did. I can’t believe people have so little respect for themselves.

Well that didn’t take long.

You mean it is not associated with soccer?

764 pages.

If the team had shown as much fight as their fans, they might have been the ones hoisting the Cup last night.

The 'Nucks not only lost, they embarrassed themselves, and now the city has joined them.

To be fair, that was a pretty bad game for the Canadians. Not sure if it was riot-worthy, but definitely nothing to write Nanny Smith about.

By idiots with an axe to grind it is associated, yes. This is a thread about idiotic hockey fans and it took a whole four replies before someone started going on about soccer. Four. That’s fucking pathetic on your part. It is a sporting equivalent of someone saying <politician x> isn’t bad for doing <nasty thing y> because < politician z from the opposition party> did <evil thing, shit, z’>

All sorts of sports have problems with violence, including sports in the US. My Eagles-loving mate seems to be strangely proud of them having (apparently) had an in-stadium court to deal with such things.

I fail to understand your rage. I mentioned such violence was normally “associated” with soccer- get it?

Why is that pathetic? Because soccer is a pet of yours?

And please explain how I am excusing hockey for soccer violence? It is not in my post.

I wish you could read my posts as well as you seem able to read my fucking mind.

Do canuck fans get in their cars, drive to the city whose team beat them and trash the place? No, Boston’s too far. So they destroy their own town. What a bunch of fucked up hoodlums.

Silly canadians.

Because I am fed up of the first thing that happens whenever violence happens regarding a sporting event is that some idiot goes on about soccer.

Which is where you come in.

Watch out guys! Soccer riot brewing on the SDMB!

To everyone else, read these eight words while asking the question, “What is the writer trying to say here?”

What point is this post trying to make? It offers no commentary on the incidents described in the OP. It makes no point regarding the actual game or sport that prompted the violence. It mentions not at all the people or places involved in the incidents.

On the face of it this post makes no sense whatsoever. It reads as the sort of post a drooling retard would mash out as he vainly tries to pretends he is part of a discussion, all while his fuzzy little mind struggles to understand what is actually going on. What other explanation could there be? A bunch of words with no real relevance to the thread, why would it be there?

Then you realise you are on the Straight Dope, and it is just another silly little man trolling for reactions.

I went to a riot the other day and a soccer game broke out!