OK, I have just returned from seeing AOTC again, and I am 100% convinced that in the scene where Obi-Wan is being shown the clones, and it shows the adult clones eating, that they are, indeed, Capt. Typho, NOT Jango Fett.
I was on board with all the other posts as to why they really were Jango Fett, (I can’t seem to find the info in those threads b/c they’re too big), but with this viewing fresh in my mind, they are clearly Capt. Typho. Why this is, I have no idea, and it makes zero plot sense, but I can’t ignore what I saw with my own eyes.
(One funny “in” scene I noticed this time was that Jango Fett bumps his head as he enters the Slave I right when they leave Kimino - kind of a humorous reference to the famous goof in Star Wars when that Stromtrooper bumps his head on the door, since they’re all cloned from Jango…)
I’m not saying there’s a coincidental resemblance - I’m saying that in that “adult clones eating” scene, there was no mistaking that it was the exact same actor as the guy that played Capt. Typho. You see Jango a couple minutes later, and it clearly is not that actor - it’s the other guy, no doubt about it.
Plus, Obi-Wan doesn’t actually see the faces of the adult clones, he’s just told that they were cloned from Jango Fett. He’s up on a catwalk; the camera’s point of view shows their faces.
Dooku, you’re smoking crack here. It is NOT the same actor who played Typho sitting there eating - it is Temeura Morrison, who played Jango, and it’s a lot of him. The two actors have a resemblance to each other, but the clones look NOTHING LIKE TYPHO. I saw that scene too, and that’s Temeura Morrison sitting there, not Jay Laga’aia (Typho).
Besides, if Jango wasn’t the genetic source, then why was he there, why had he been paid so handsomely, why would he have wanted “one unaltered clone” as part of his payment? Why would he have wanted a clone of someone else to be his son? (yes, the unaltered clone is Boba Fett - the cloning operation had been going on for 10 years, and the unaltered clone was not given accelerated development. Boba’s the only 10 year old around.)
A friend of mine has an illegal copy of the movie already. (How? I have no idea. Probably one of those damned file-swapping things.) Anyway, I asked him to do a frame-by-frame look at the relevant scene. He says that although at first glance Typho and the clones look a little similar, it is clear that they are in fact clones of Jango Fett. He said they looked a bit darker, which makes them appear a bit like Typho, but that is probably the lighting and their facial features are definitely Jango’s.
Why exactly do you think that two batches of clones can’t be made at a huge hidden cloning facility?
Do I think there are clones of Typho being made? Yes.
Do I think there are clones of Jango being made? Yes.
Do I think the Jango clones are the stormtroopers? Yes.
Do I think that the Typho clones were ordered by Palpatine? Yes.
Do I think that the Jango clones were ordered by Palpatine? Yes.
Jango clones and Typho clones are not mutually exclusive. They could very well exist at the same time.
At first, when I saw the clones eating, I too, thought they looked a lot like Typho. But at that point, the thought that shot through my head was “Oh, so Typho’s a Jango clone and is some sort of spy on Amidala, how interesting.” Seeing as how they are played by two different actors, I guess my theory is wrong, but I admit, I thought the two looked very similar are well. Of course, they all have Jango’s accent, and I don’t remember what Typho sounded like, so any more speculation there shouldn’t come from me.
One thing though…clone troopers are clones, Stormtroopers are not. To my (limited) knowledge of the Star Wars universe, at the end of the Clone Wars, cloning became somewhat outlawed, or at least, was no longer in practice on a grand scale. Stormtoopers all sound different, they come in all shapes and sizes, and as we’ve seen, their battle techniques are a lot worse than the clonetroopers’. Stormtroopers are the Empire’s answer to “what are we going to do with all these people?” The Empire has a vast enough control over their galaxy, finding people to be in their army is no problem, and the need for clones is made mute. Why wait ten years for a clone army when you can just enlist a large percent of a single planets population into your army. It’s not like they have a choice, the Empire says you’re in the military now, you’re in the military. Clones at this point become a waste of time and resources.
Why do you think there were two batches of clones? It certainly wasn’t even hinted at in the movie in any way, shape or form, except in a case of mistaken identity by some viewers. Why do I think that two batches of clones couldn’t have been made? Because Jango Fett was given a home at the cloning facility (presumably so each batch of clones would come from the original), an extremely large sum of money, and a little clone of his very own to call “son” and Typho did none of these (in fact, he didn’t do much of anything in the movie…). If Typho was a source of clones, then he wouldn’t have been out and about in the galaxy, he’d have had a comfy apartment down the hall from Jango. It was stated that the first batch of clones had just become ready for deployment - that statement seems to indicate that no clones had left the planet yet.
Typho was a glorified extra with little relevance to the story - he could’ve been anyone in the Naboo defense forces who happened to be assigned to the Senator. There is absolutely no reason to believe that any clones of the good captain are wandering around out there except stubbornness on the parts of some people.
All of you Typho-cloners need to watch the movie again. It ain’t him. It won’t be him, no matter how hard you wish it was. I saw the movie with a couple of dozen friends, and not a single one of us failed to recognize the clones as being Jango. Typho served one and only one purpose in the movie - to be identified as Padme Amidala’s security chief, and to be concerned for her safety after the botched asassination attempts. I’ll say it again - nothing in the movie even hints at Typho having been cloned. I wish they’d just re-hired the guy who played Panaka and used that character instead, then this whole issue would’ve been avoided.
You mean the Padme Amidala that had about 6 clones around her in the last episode? Are you suggesting that its incomprehensible that Padme would have another clone around her in the second episode?
There’s just too much connection between clones and Naboo. In Episode I, we saw Padme surrounded by decoys who happened to look just like her. Many people contend that the former Senator from Naboo, now Chancellor, Palpatine is Darth Sidious’ clone. Personally, I think there’s a connection. It is not unreasonable to think that Typho was a clone planted to follow Amidala.
Just because Jango was given an apartment and an unalerted clone does not mean that he was the only one there. Or even that you have to be there for clones to be made. For all we know, Palpatine could have FedExed the clone planet a sample of Typho’s DNA and placed an order. “And how many Typho’s would you like, Chancellor Palpatine?” “Oh, I don’t know, at least enough to fill up a cafeteria.”
That’s nice. The theatre I was in all sighed a collective “was that…?” Pictures on theforce.net suggest to me that the cafeteria clone actually looks exactly like Typho, and nothing like Jango.
And now for some more questions:
Do I think that the man escorting Amidala was made into a bunch of clones? No.
Do I think that the man escorting Amidala was a clone? Yes.
You actually think that Amidala’s handmaidens in Episode I were clones somehow? That is ridiculous. They look alike because that’s how they were chosen. If you are skeptical that someone who’s hiring can not find enough girls that look similar, then realize that the casting agent for Episode I did it! Those girls were played by different actors. They are not supposed to be identical.
Um…Queen Amidala and Handmaiden Padme Naberrie were supposed to be the same actor becuase Queen Amidala was disguising herself as a handmaiden. Thus in the movie they were the same character. The rest of her handmaidens all look slightly different. Check IMDB again for the actors who played the other handmaidens:
I still say the shot of the adult clones eating looks more like a bunch of Typhos than a bunch of Jangos–and the pictures at theforce.net bears that out, I think. Anyone have a link to that? Hell, maybe Jay Laga’aia was originally cast as Jango, and they shot that particular clone scene before they went with Temeura Morrison. I dunno–the explanation doesn’t have to be canon, but the clones look like Typho, not Jango. For one, Morrison is noticeably older than both the clones in that shot and Laga’aia.
Let’s see about the Typho issue: Captain Typho (in background) Jango and Boba Fett on Slave I the clones eating in the cafeteria scene Jango and Obi-Wan on Kamino
Look closely. Jango and Typho bear a superficial resemblance, but Typho’s jaw and nose are broader than Jango’s. Also look at the hairline. The facial features are a little hard to match up, but Jango’s hairline is an exact match to the clones’. As for the apparent age difference, well the clones are younger than Jango. I mean, if you’re gonna bother, might as well make them young, right?
Well see that’s the thing. There are various groups of clones all at different ages. Jango looks the oldest, and Boba the youngest. There are also children and adults in the clone facilities that are being trained to be clonetroopers. All of them are clones of Jango Fett (at least if we accept the plot as presented). It is reasonable to assume that since they are not the same age, nor have they gon through the same experiences, the clones are not gonna look exactly like Jango.
As you can see the pictures don’t really seem to prove anything. The screengrabs from Ep. 2 look very alike, yet the cast photos don’t look much alike at all. My best guess is that Jay Laga’aia (Typho) was the actor in the cafeteria scene and Bodie Taylor (clone trooper) is the actor in the clone trooper outfit and we never actually see his face on screen. Typho clones make zero sense, so it must be some filming/casting error. Of course the fact that they would use the worng actor in a scene for a big budget movie make zero sense too.
Why the hell didn’t they just use Morrison for the clones? My brain is hurting now.