Carnal lust with a dead dog

This is the most bizzare incident I’ve read this year.

A dog is hit near a daycare center, and lays there 4 to 5 days. A daycare worker calls the city to remove the dog. A man goes up to the dog and starts having sex with the dead labrador. The animal control man shows up and the man runs away and hides. He’s found hiding near by at the girl friend’s apartment. The dog belongs to the girl friend.

I can’t think of anything that this case is missing that they could add to make it worse. I bet this ends up on urban legend pages, because nobody will believe it when the article is gone.

Already a thread in progress (this story linked further below the OP, which is even more bizarre)

I see why I never knew a thread was in progress on this topic. It needs a better title. Like “Carnal lust with a dead dog.”