It has been suggested that a new thread be started to discuss apparent discrepancies in the testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson that was part of the June 28th meeting of the House Jan 6 Committee hearings. I don’t know why there is hesitation, but here goes. I started this this morning, so there is some time lag.
These are the main issues I have seen mentioned about her testimony
- use of “something to the effect of” over and over
This was mentioned in the “Jan 6 Hearings Follow-Along & Commentary Thread” (J6HFA&CT) as sounding odd and somewhat off-putting. It certainly makes the point that those parts were hearsay evidence, which I think is exactly what the intent was. This is not a trial, but hearsay is hearsay, so if direct testimony can be obtained, it should be obtained. This was to put pressure on others to testify. - Referring to the Presidential SUV as “the Beast.”
Of course, we know now that Trump was not in the limo known as “the Beast” for this incident. I didn’t know that at the time I saw the hearing, nor did I even know what the Beast was. I believe Hutchinson referral to the SUV as the Beast was intentional, to lay a trap for those wanting to discredit her. As a lure, it was nibbled on by the RW pundits, but it was quickly spat out. - Description of what happened in the SUV ride as related by Ornato
This was taken, hook, line, and sinker. Certainly as hearsay, its evidentiary value is low, so why introduce it? Obviously, the intent was to get on the record that Trump was very noticeably irate about not being driven to the Capitol, which was obviously what he wanted. That, IMO, is a crucial piece of evidence, as it shows Trump’s intent immediately after his speech was to take this mob, who he knew was armed, to attack the Capitol. Notice that the rapid response from the Secret Service (within hours of the testimony) admitted that Trump was very irate, but denied that he ever grabbed the steering wheel or Engel’s throat. Interestingly, Hutchinson’s testimony did not say that she was ever told that Trump had grabbed either the wheel or Engel’s throat, but they were certainly ready to have these guys testify under oath that he didn’t. An amazing bit of work the Committee did to get the Secret Service to admit how irate Trump was that afternoon on nothing but hearsay evidence. They would make Columbo proud. - The note written by Hutchinson, as dictated by Meadows and revised by Herschmann
As I posted in J6HFA&CT, this confused me. To me, there is no (or, at least, not very much) discrepancy between the testimony and Herschmann’s response. Herschmann seems to respond (through a spokesman) that he authored the note. Perhaps intentional misunderstanding of what “wrote” means, either between Herschmann and his spokesman or between his spokesman and the media. I very much doubt Hutchinson would have testified that the note was in her handwriting if it was not. That is too easy to determine. Ms. Cheney seemed to be deliberate in getting Hutchinson to confirm that it was her handwriting, which seems to suggest that she expected it might come into question.
Knowing that individually, these committee members are likely much more astute in lawyerly ways than I, and as a group, more astute than most, I doubt there was anything in the testimony that was not planned. I expect it was all very carefully planned.
If the DOJ is going to be successful in prosecuting Trump on any criminal charges, they will have to break the hold he has on a large part of the population. If they can be convinced that what Trump was attempting was not just not in accordance with the Constitution, but met the definition of treason, I think they may have a chance. It’s going to be a tough sell, as the facts of the matter are the same as they were for Impeachment II, which makes half the Senate complicit as well, but, well, the public turned on Nixon, so there’s hope.
The facts that Trump knew the mob he has assembled had weapons (which before June 28th he could deny, if it ever came up) and that his intent was obviously to have them attack the Capitol (which he has denied, countless times) might help.
Getting Meadows and Giuliani to flip would help a lot more, and a lot of the direct evidence given by Hutchinson’s testimony might help that. I suspect there will be more testimony to add to what Hutchinson provided, to add to this.