Cast HP - Order of the Phoenix (Possible spoilers)

Too early to cast the film? Naw, never too early!

I visualised Tonks as Charlotte Coleman for half the book, before I remembered she died in '01. :frowning:

After that I saw her as Emma Chambers from Notting Hill…
I must be stuck on Hugh Grant comic-relief sidekicks…

I totally saw the other new Auror as Mace Windu every time he was mentioned, but I don’t think Samuel Jackson is the man for the job :smiley:

I know exactly who I can see doing Umbridge, but I can’t think of her name or anything she has been in. A very well known actress in the UK, usually type-cast as plump, dowdy, chainsmoking, tower-block or terrace resident… If anyone knows who I mean let me know.

In the meantime I rekon Caroline Quentin could pull off the simpering-evil act required.

We also have Mrs Figg to cast and probably a few others (I guess they will use unknowns for the kids again), suggestions anyone? :slight_smile:

Doh! I was thinking of Kathy Burke earlier.

I heartily agree on Emma Chambers as Tonks.

Yeardley Smith (a/k/a Lisa Simpson) = Umbridge
Dennis Haysbert (a/k/a David Palmer from “24”) = Mace Shacklebolt
Gene Wilder = Cornelius Fudge
some new British girl no one’s ever seen = Luna Lovegood
Hallie Eisenberg (a/k/a that scary Pepsi girl)

Chambers seems a bit too old to me (based on that one picture, anyway). I saw Tonks as in her early-to-mid-twenties: she mentions that she was only made an Auror the previous year, and IIRC, McGonagall mentions that Auror training takes another three years or so after graduation from Hogwarts.

I could see Laurence Fishburne as Kingsley Windu. He has that whole stolidly competent, deep-voiced thing down pat.

Robert Hardy already plays Cornelius, he was in COS.

Yeardly Smith is a great suggestion :slight_smile: would be so cool to see her all little and evil. I wonder if she isn’t too cute? I guess they could ugly her down.

I am willing to bet bodyparts that Mace Shackelbolt will be played by Colin Salmon, who has been in amongst other things, Prime Suspect, Redident Evil and the latest Bond films.

Sporty Spice = Tonks

I was picturing Umbridge as Kathy Bates.

My god… I am a genius!

Am I the only one who can see Eddie Izzard (in full drag) as Umbridge? Although now looking at some recent photos he appears to have lost a lot of weight…

Bit more like this (link) than his new “styled” look.

I pictured Umbridge looking like Dr. Ruth.
Tonks was Helena Bonham Carter looking like she did in Fight Club, but she’s too old.

I really wanted to see Eddie as Lupin, actually. I like David Thewlis fine, and Gary Oldman is a perfect Sirius, but I think Izzard as Lupin was a missed opportunity.

Rachel Weisz would have been a good Tonks, but she’s probably too old.

Also, keep in mind that the HP movie actors are all going to be British, per Rowling’s request.