Casting Trek with Trek Dopers

I realize that this might be a little too inane of an idea but I thought it’d be fun to see who other Trek Dopers would think would make a good Kirk, Picard, Data, Spock and so on.

The only ones that come to mind for me would be: vivalostwages as the lovable and quirky Ezri; SPOOFE as the walking encyclopedia Data; Terrifiel as the eccentric Neelix; and Tars Tarkas as uber-intelligent Spock.

Anyone else have any ideas? Corrections to my casting?

I always thought I’d make a good giant space amoeba.

** NoClueBoy** as Sulu. Don’t ask why.
carnivorousplant would have to be Kirk. He just strikes me as Kirklike.
Kn*ckers as T’Pol. Cause it would be funny.
Enderw24 as Worf.
tracer as the lovable Chekov. Once again for laughs.
Now who am I missing…

With a shot of this stuff in my arm, I wouldn’t be afraid of a supernova!

(Sulu- from Wolf in the Fold)

Achernar would have to be Captain Archer.

London Calling would be Charlie X (for sexual situations and nudity)

Wearia would be Wesley Crusher. I don’t hate you, it’s just that you’re the youngest… Sorry.

Bryan Eakers as Riker. 'Cause of the beard.

raisinbread as Data. Someone has to…

Who is Troi?

I think I would fit better as Q… Think about it.

Who gets to be the Panda ???

Oooh! Oooh! Can I be Scotty? <grin>. Check out the recent “Federation Warships” thread for my qualifications <grin>. I have to vehemently protest Spoofe having any place in the Trek universe, though. No offense intended, of course <whistle>. But he’s far too anti-Trek when Star Wars comes along. Intended in a good-natured way, of course.

-Psi Cop

Hey, leave my girlfriend out of this!

(seriously, what beard?)

Sh-wang-g-g-g-g! ( Q sound effect)

Be careful what you ask for, Psi Cop. You never know when reality is gonna pop up and bite you in the ass. (Growl for me, Worf.)

But, since you want this… Sh-wang-g-g-g-g! You are Scotty.

Hell, I’ll take the Panda over Wesley. In fact I’d take being a gelatinous blob over Wesley. Geez NoClueBoy what ever horrible thing I did to you in the past to deserve this I apologise.


Besides there is some one else much better suited for Wesley…

ducks and runs

Ooops… sorry. I had you mixed up with Vivalostshaver.

[Hey lay-dee! the glavin!] *
*yeah, so I stole this from Bryan Eakers… sue me

Ha ha ha. Sure. Why not?

Who or what should Wearia be? Hmmm… Help me out here guys.
I wonder how OpalCat feels about playing Guinan? I mean, except for the obvious point about actually being relatively attractive…

CrankyAsAnOldMan would be Dr. Pulaski.

Chuck Forbin as Barclay/Broccoli. :wink:
(I said that mainly to draw his attention. Where is Chuck these days, anyway?

tarragon918 as Cutler. I don’t know why.

NoClueBoy as Chief O’Brien. No clue why on that one either.

What’s “glavin” ?

Cutler? Who’s he?

And I wanted to be O’Brien! :frowning:

Okay, okay, you’re O’Brien!:slight_smile:

NoClueBoy is now Alexander Rodzhenko.

Cutler is the elfin gal who has appeared twice on Enterprise so far. She was attracted to Phlox in one ep. and listened to Travis’ dorky ghost story in another.

Ah, an Enterprise character… no wonder I didn’t recognize the name.

Can I be a schizophrenic and be Julian too?

Ooooh! I can be an endless supply of cloned redshirts!

Kill me off, kill me off, way off!

Of course, Cecil is Picard. [make it so]

Or maybe I can be T’Pol.

I’ll just sit in a corner and play with my pointy titties. :smiley:

Do they have ritalin in the 24th century? :slight_smile:

Who’s gonna be Porthos?
