Cat-Dopers: Meet Bobby Mewler

His background:
Possibly a year old, probably younger; brought to a local shelter as a stray; male black mackerel tabby/DSH; friendly, talkative, and gentle.
The shelter had nicknamed him Bobby, and my cousin/housemate had already written Mueller/Mewler as a potential name on our brainstorming list…so we just put the names together.
Here is His Resplendency:

Special Counsel for the Feline Bureau of Investigation. (Cutesy overload? Your pardon.)

Now you can walk around saying “Mewler? Mewler? Anyone? Mewler?” :smiley: What a cutie. Congratulations on your new friend.

Yes, we’ve done that. Thanks!


What a darling!

Adorable kitty with an adorable name!! I have a feeling that name is going to grow on you as the next couple of years pass. :smiley: Enjoy him – he’s soooooooo cute!!

Oh gosh, what a cutie. He looks happy and like he feels right at home. He looks short-haired, but his tail looks like it might be fluffy!

Love the name; great looking little guy. Congrats to you both for finding each other!

Thanks, all. The staff at the animal hospital love him too. He’s so affectionate.

We plan to send a letter about him with photos to the real Robert Mueller to tell him he has a namesake and see if he responds.

I’d do some research before you write that letter if you want to ensure a response; I suggest a vigorous review of the work of Lazlo Toth if you want to his just the right tone.

Just ordered it. Good resource to have around. Thanks!

Be careful Trump doesn’t fire him.

That’s a great idea. Clearly, Bobby has his own iPhone and can take calls. :slight_smile:

What a great-looking cat! He seems to be settling right in.

Damn fine cat!

incoherent squees

Squeeeeeee! Kitteh belly!

He got sick with some damn virus, most likely from the shelter, a few days after we got him home, so we took him back and forth for nebulization and gave him meds too. Ever since he improved, he’s been very active and full of kitteny energy.

I am concerned about a lump on his upper right leg that I can feel. It is soft and he shows no pain, no symptoms. I am hoping it’s nothing more than a lipoma. Taking him tomorrow to have it checked.

Fingers and paws crossed…

I think lipomas are fairly common. My current boy kitty has one and it hasn’t bothered him at all. I hope that’s all Bobby’s lump is.

Evidently it’s a swelling from his rabies injection site. I’m using warm compresses and gentle massage. He is perfectly fine otherwise. The doctor did not think aspiration was necessary. Breathing a sigh of relief.