Cat orgy in my bush

This is a nice little story that happened to me 2 days ago. It was about seven o’clock PM and I was online playing StarCraft with my friend when I heard something. I was home alone at the time, so I left the TV on in the other room, so I thought it was the TV. I went in there and muted it and listened…sure enough, there was a cat outside. in its cat like moaning I quickly realised: That cat’s gettin it on. So this strange cat was actually 2 cats getting it on outside. Just ignoring it I go on playing StarCraft, laughing periodicly at the yelping cats in their delight.Fast forward to 10 o’clock. Mom and Dad got back and I just got out of the shower and went up to bed. I laid down and guess what was still goin on? yes, the two cats were still gettin’ it on outside my window. so I go downstairs and ask dad to scare them away or something. I figured after 3 hours of cat sex they would have stoped, but alas, I’m a virgin so I wouldnt know would I? Dad told me to go scare them away with a light, so I got dressed and went out to scare the excited felines away. I made my way out the back door…I had a cup of water if I got close enough, haha and snuck around the house I stopped on my porch…no sound. I turned on the flashlight and looked to the side of the house…sure enough, a cat head. I made a movement and the horny cat took off. I ran around the house as fast as I could to douse the second cat since the first ran too fast. I rounded the corner and out from the bush ran the other cat fast as lightning. of course not hitting that cat with my trusty cup of H2O I walk back to the house heart beating from the intence horny cat fighting. I sure diddnt get them, but they did run off. I start walking back but what else to my dismay? rustling of the same bush to my left went off and I looked and out from the bush went…yes, a THIRD cat! Orgy, threesome, I dont know, but I’ve NEVER heard of 3 cats going at it together! whats the world comming to when you cant even keep your cats from living the wild life.(pun intended)

The OP was too good not to post to.

a glorious bleeding heart marking the final resting place of my beloved chinchilla greystoke was desecrated by a cat orgy 2 years ago. aside from the 2 main participants there were 5 others in attendance. waiting and watching…

A female cat in heat will take on all comers (so to speak)
for DAYS ON END. Get her to move and her entourage will follow…

Ummm…to put this as bluntly as possible, female cats are sluts. They want to get impregnated by all males within a 10 block radius, if possible. (okay maybe not…my sweet snooky kitty only took on 3 males, from the looks of her kittens, and I know she didn’t want it by the way she streaked in the house and hid under the sofa for 4 days) Seriously though, nature wants female cats to mate with as many males as possible to generate offsping of different fathers in the same litter. (I’m not a vet nor a biologist and therefore can’t tell ya why. Call Darwin, maybe he can help)
And ya wondered why ya called it pussy, huh?