Well if you don’t like what people have to say you can always censor them. I used esoteric terms and language suitable for someone erudite. Considering this forum is inundated with pseudo-intellectuals who are the smuggest in existence, I fail to see why my language was so inappropriate.
If a person doesn’t understand concepts innate to a discipline (in my case philosophy) then that person needs to stay out of any intelligible discussion.
This forum has really gone down the hill, and I find it amazing that someone is dumb enough to pay to read what some uneducated wannabes have to say. Half of what you neophytes post are plagiarized off Google or Wikipedia whereas the rest is just a high school-level opinion.
Bunch of cowards. You flood my thread and then you close it? Nice way to get a collective last word. I am sorry if you are indoctrinated to buy into liberal PC bullshit but the truth is bigger than any ego. I will not be shamed for exposing flawed reasoning meant to advance political motives. Racism doesn’t exist if I choose not to believe in it. I am not a racist if I believe I am not. If you can’t show me that I am wrong, then you can’t profess it universally.
Well, this board by no means is the smartest or smuggest or most liberal or most censored board around. I’d be surprised if it cracked the top 100 in any of those categories.
That said, I read the OP’s other thread and made a Timecube joke because it was somewhat incoherent to me. What’s the gist, Transcendence? Words only have the power we give them? Anything beyond that rather obvious conclusion escaped me, I cheerfully admit.