Cereal and pudding!

I just ate some cheerios and had some milk left in the bowl, so I spooned in an equal amount of vanilla pudding I had sitting the fridge. I mixed it around into a vanilla-milk slurry then added more cheerios. The result was delicious, so I thought I’d share.

Any other make-shift yummy ideas that you’ve come up with recently?

Today I tried something that turned out delicious. I had a can of french-fried onions with just a little bit left. Rather than waste it, I dumped the last of the onion crunchies onto my peanut butter sandwich. It was so good! Almost anything is good with peanut butter, of course.

I’m not going to lie, that sounds pretty foul. In the name of science however, I might just have to give that a try because I too have a can of french-fried onions with just a little bit left. :eek:

I know my mom got this idea from a magazine, somewhere. I don’t think she originated it. But she would get some parfait glasses and spoon in some corn flakes on the bottom, put some fruit cocktail on top of the corn flakes, then vanilla pudding on top of the fruit cocktail. There were two layers of each type of filling, corn flakes, fruit, pudding, corn flakes, fruit, and a final layer of pudding on top. The only name I ever hear for it was “corn flake parfait,” but I must say, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

OMG, that is such a fat kid thing to do, but it also sounds really good. I’m totally tempted to try that someday.

That sounds - good, actually.

I’ve been using the french fried onions on my salad in place of croutons. They’re really tasty.

(invented just this afternoon)
Wasa or other Scandinavian type crispy breads
Mozzarella cheese
Olive oil
Herb-y stuff in a big shaker called “Italian Seasoning”

Cover crispy breads with mozzarella. Shake on Italian Seasoning and a dash of olive oil. Microwave until cheese melts. Eat.

I suppose you could add tomato sauce, but I didn’t have any on hand.

I admit it, my “inner child” is a fat kid.

Heh, mine, too.

[Monica from Friends ]There’s a really big fat girl inside me. I never let her eat.[/MFF]

If you like that, you might like Cranachan - it’s a traditional Scottish dish made from whipped cream, whisky (or whisky-based liqueur), toasted oats and usually incorporates raspberries .

Boyoboy does that sound good. I like the name Cream Crowdie better, though.

The cornflake parfait sounds awful (no offense, Cherry Garcia), but this… damn. It sounds wonderful.
Breakfast of Champions! :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, I should add, I’m just back from the orthodontist. I had everything tightened up, so my teeth are sore and hurting today.
Cranachan sounds like just the thing I need. I can suck it down with a minimum of chewing. The whisky is just an added bonus for the owie factor.