Change your SDMB location to some variant of "I'm not voting for Obama"

Well, count me as another one who can’t vote (although I do have a preference). Still, it does make me grin to see people with their location swinging one way or another, just as a little reassurance that some people out there still care enough to type in a clever pun (or even a cringe-worthy one), and maybe even haul themselves down to the polls come November.

Just don’t let me down and start some bizarre inter-board civil war, 'kay? Well, less of one than is usual.

I won’t be voting for Obama, funnily enough, I just like climbing on bandwagons.

:: gives Nancarrow a hand up ::

Welcome aboard, friend!

Can we please stop this bickering and all unite in annoying Leaffan?

I think this whole thing is zarking silly, myself, there’s really only ONE person worth voting for…

I’m not playing, it’s too silly…

Well, there is at least one option …

Or two…