Changing E-Mail Address On Google Groups

The one that is attached to my GOOGLE account is no longer vaild because the site closed down their free e-mail service (, so I went to GOOGLE yesterday to try to change it and I guess there isn’t a way to do that unless you open a new account, but I wanted to keep the Quasimodem name if possible.

Have any of y’all ever changed your e-mail address on Google, and how did you do it?



Yeah, I saw that post, but it has to do with GOOGLE Answers (the service where you ask a question and pay the person who’s the expert in a particular field to answer you - SDMB is much better for that and doesn’t cost a thing!:D).



I’m in the same process … I just logged in with my old email addy and login (by selecting an article to respond to) and then hit the “my account” link. It led me to a link to change my email addy (which I have not yet).

It should work.

Oh, I didn’t “sign up” for google groups with this name/password, but signed up for google answers with it … though I have different aliases at each, the login/pw is the same, so the referenced article (I didn’t follow the link) might be correct.

I might just break free of the “aol of usenet” and actually use Usenet instead of google groups … don’t want one group to ‘control’ everything but we’ll see.

Or I might stick with going to usenet via Google Groups just because it annoys my spouse so.

It did work for me, Mynn, thanks!

I use GOOGLE when I post a question from work, and then use Newzbot to see the answer, because GOOGLE still has that 8-9 hour time lag.

Here at home I use Outlook Express and my usenet account is with News.CIS.DFN.DE, out of Germany.
