Some people might learn a lesson after losing a Mercedes to a joy-rider who drove it off a cliff: not Charlie Sheen, though.
What a maroon.
ETA: Will the people who were defending him in this thread step up and do so again?
Some people might learn a lesson after losing a Mercedes to a joy-rider who drove it off a cliff: not Charlie Sheen, though.
What a maroon.
ETA: Will the people who were defending him in this thread step up and do so again?
To lose one Mercedes may be seen as a misfortune; to lose two looks like carlessness.
What is he doing to those cars that’s driving them to suicide?
For most people, driving over a cliff and living to tell the tale would be a miracle. For Charlie Sheen, it’s a dare.
He’s still making Two and a Half Men. That’s enough.
I see what you did with Oscar, there…
Bravo! You win the thread.
Thank you, both.
In the last thread you mocked him for leaving his car in the driveway with the keys in it, and it turned out it was stolen from a locked garage. Some people might have learned to wait until the facts are in.
Which is not to say that Charlie Sheen’s not a moron.
Maybe one of the many enemies he has made keeps stealing his cars and rolling them off cliffs. Or Jon Cryer is a really bad driver.
He has to keep making the big bucks to pay for his insurance. Youch!
Why can’t it be both?
Same thing happened once to my first husband. Except that it was a 1963 Pontiac. And except that my husband was driving drunk and wrecked the car. And except that he walked home and called and reported the car stolen. Hmmmmm.
Sounds like an inside job.
So he gets a car stolen every five months. At this rate, he’ll be out of cars in… sixty months?..TRM
You don’t want to know.
You don’t want to know.
This is what happens when you hire **Toonces **as your chauffeur.
When Sheen heard there was a pussy who could drive your car, any reason was cast off like a backpack in a retreat.